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Everything posted by Skeezix

  1. Bowmore. $23.95/liter. It's no Laphroig, but it's not bad.
  2. OK Fairweather's out. Anybody want Monday?
  3. Skeezix


    That old school MSR axe is sweet. Raise your hand if you've got an old school MSR axe!
  4. I wager he announces his resignation next Tuesday, May 3rd.
  5. Well I know it ain't a Foghat song.
  6. Skeezix

    Fees and tickets

    Yes, rangers are the devil. When I left the NPS, I had to go through a 12-step exorcism and file my horns down... But then I became a school principal and guess what? They grew right back! Bwa-ha-ha-haaaa!
  7. Derek Trucks Band live show download on archive.org
  8. Skeezix

    Fees and tickets

    I once received a ticket for an illegal campfire in Shenandoah National Park. I paid it. I also wrote about a dozen tickets in 10 years working for the NPS. My name's not Larry, but I was the tool.
  9. He's got 89 Bill Monroe tunes. I think he's all set.
  10. Flaco Jimenez - Conjunto accordianist on early Ry Cooder albums David Lindley - World music blender acoustic string wizard Fishbone - ska funk rock Hepcat - new old school ska Robert Johnson - Surely you've heard of him? Junior Brown - Virtuoso "Git-steel" player with baritone voice and cornball taste in songs Walt Koken - clawhammer banjo player Joseph Spence - Bahamian guitar player (see my avatar) Yellowman - Jamaican toaster X - The New World
  11. Flaco Jimenez David Lindley Fishbone Hepcat Robert Johnson Junior Brown Walt Koken Joseph Spence Yellowman X
  12. No, the photo links don't work...
  13. Thanks for the photos John. Say hi to Kelly and Russ for me next time you see them. -Jeff Clark
  14. I was digging between Moclips and Pacific Beach. His name wasn't really Larry... I did have one magic moment before I threw my back out. I was looking down in about twelve inches of water ...between waves ...the water cleared and I saw a hole open the size of a penny! I dove in with my shovel, excavated with the aid of the receding outwash, and pinched up a whopping clam. It was poetry man. It was... It was... God, I think I'm gonna cry.
  15. How about that purple lava lamp on the desk in the foreground. Who says scientists aren't cool?
  16. So it was not my best day digging razor clams. First I got hit by a sneaker wave when I was reaching down into a hole --smacked me upside the head and sent a jolt of icy brine down inside my chest waders. Then I pulled a muscle in my lower back while digging. Walking back to the rig with only six clams in my bag (the daily limit is fifteen), Larry the Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Tool pulls up in his pickup. "How's it goin'," he asks. "Oh, pretty good. I pulled a muscle and had to quit digging." I show him my bag. "I only got a half dozen clams." "Tell you what I'll do," he says. Hopping out of his truck, he walks to the back and pulls out three clams and drops them in my bag. "These are clams I took from some folks who were one over their limit.." How nice is that?! Made my day. Here's to Larry .
  17. I like to keep abreast of new developments in climbing.
  18. A friend of mine was a NPS interpretive ranger in Glacier Bay. Her job was to board tour boats and give nature talks. One day she was on the deck of a big tour liner giving a talk. The people were looking at the glaciers all around them, some periodically calving big chunks of ice into the bay. A little old lady raised her hand and asked "What elevation are we at here anyway?" Without skipping a beat, my friend looked down over the side of the boat and replied, "Looks like about 25 feet." True story.
  19. Sonny Sharrock is a wild ass guitar player! I've been listening to Reed Martin - Old Time Banjo
  20. A toilet vault is a fiberglass box with a hole in the top. The vault sits inside a wooden toilet box and is a receptacle for shit and pee. It must be dumped periodically.
  21. Skeezix

    The Pope?

    He was a man, like other men.
  22. Name the hospitable hermit of Baker Lake.
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