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Everything posted by Skeezix

  1. Skeezix

    Hey you, Smarty

    My first NPS job I worked on a four man crew digging a ditch from Nisqually Entrance to Longmire for a buried electrical cable. Miserable work wrestling rocks out of the ground with hand tools... Made $11.75/hr. I know hand tools.
  2. That's Joseph Spence to the left...
  3. Joseph Spence, Ry Cooder, Peter Lang
  4. Vernon Reid, Jimi Hendrix, Harvey Mandel
  5. David Lindley, Leo Kottke, Mance Lipscomb
  6. I'll get a photo tomorrow. Then maybe I'll finally figure out how to post photos on cc.com.
  7. At the high school I work at we have an electronic reader board that displays a poster provided by a national advertising company. The poster for the month of October displays the heading "October - National Breast Awareness Month." Not really the sort of thing you want to suggest to high school aged boys... I believe it's a misprint and they meant National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
  8. I don't think Bush thinks we're morons. I think Bush is an overachieving mediocre intellect who is clinging to his job after committing error after error. One can tell that he is not very bright every time he opens his mouth. He is surrounded by advisers that are conservative idealogues, which automatically implies that they've all suffered a blow to the head somewhere along the line --otherwise they wouldn't have their pinched world view. They're motivated by greed, hatred for others, and self-loathing. Furthermore, they've backed themselves so far into a corner that they can't see that their policies are leading to accelerated environmental degradation, increase of the gap between rich and poor, and isolation of the United States from the rest of the world. We're losing ground on all of the issues that we generally expect government to address. Bush is the moron.
  9. My grandfather bought coal for the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad in West Virginia. My father was in the Army Air Corps in WWII and sold advertising for WRVA television.
  10. When I was in Boston in July the Larouchies had a busy table going in Harvard Square. But I think the people that were stopping to get talked to were mostly puzzled foreign tourists.
  11. I think of the Beatles as a pop band --great songwriters. Led Zep ...they were good, but they took it too far on many songs ...too pretentious and overdramatic. Hendrix was a solo act --he had musicians that backed him up, but I don't think of the Experience as a band. The Stones qualify as a rock band. Tight rhythm section and Richards was superb rhythm guitar with understated, tasty lead parts. The Allman Brothers were the quintessential southern rockers. Jethro Tull weren't that bad, but they're a novelty niche: the band with the flute guy. Don't forget Nirvana and those Seattle bands. They were great rock bands of the modern era. The Derek Trucks Band is a great modern band in the southern rock tradition. I'm sorry Dru, Neil Young is a great songwriter, but his masturbatory one-note wanko leads with Crazy Horse straight up suck. I did like his two rocking songs on the later album that had "Keep On Rockin' in the Free World" on it. Someone will inevitably mention the Grateful Dead, but Jerry Garcia's voice is like fingernails on the blackboard for me and his guitar work is aimless noodling. I guess I can't decide who the greatest rock band ever is. I just can't decide!
  12. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, And I really have to take a leak.
  13. Saturday I saw David Wilcox and David Lindley at the Gig Harbor Folk Festival. Sunday scouted fishing futures on the Dungeness River. Monday mowed the lawn and surfed at Salt Creek.
  14. I've got 5 and 7 year-old boys. Do I want to take them climbing? --I already have. Do I have troubling dreams where I picture them falling in the mountains? Already have. Do I have a hard time reconciling my instinctive protectiveness with my desire to share the mountains with them? You bet.
  15. Jeff Clark tower in Boston Basin.
  16. Skeezix


    With global warming --more big storms are predicted. But Kyoto accord would be too burdensome on the US economy. GW says let's all go out and get another SUV!
  17. They were thinking, "Ohhh nooooooo......!"
  18. Skeezix

    Holy. Shit.

    I can do all that...
  19. Reality check: The gully is easy but prone to rockfall. Helps to be the first party up. The SE ridge is mid 5th, clean, a fun romp, and an excellent option when the SF gully is crowded.
  20. Saturday - wedding on Vashon I. Sunday - shoveled dirt and flew kite on the beach
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