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Everything posted by Camilo

  1. How tall is the tunnel? I wanna tube it!
  2. I was checking that out the other day. How long is it? Do you think it's innertube-able? That would be a damn scary ride.
  3. This post now makes perfect sense
  4. Makes me wonder if Cobra Commander came to cc.com from another website and they're all out there somewhere, laughing at us.
  5. This is like watching a train wreck. I feel bad for those poor people, but I can't stop laughing!
  6. Wow. Is this the "Post like www.rockclimbing.com" thread?
  7. Nice work Timmy! It was snowing quite a bit on my way out of Elk Lake on Sunday, I figured you'd get some turns in.
  8. Camilo


    Isn't this climbing in general?
  9. Camilo


    What if you're not single and not married?
  10. Edit: No reason to talk about this.
  11. I laughed at this one: "They call it PMS because 'Mad Cow Disease' was taken"
  12. Supreme Court just ruled that the Feds can arrest Oregon medicinal marijuana users regardless of State Law. Lame . So much for small government, eh?
  13. Camilo

    Dirtbag no more

    Can you make a shirt that says "Dirtbag Clothing can lick my dirty balls"?
  14. there is no such thing as a nobel prize in economics. " The prize was tacked on to the original awards in 1969 as a marketing ploy on behalf of Sweden's central bank." http://www.unifr.ch/econophysics/comments/13PRIZ.html Who gives a shit? That's like saying there is no Snowboarding as an Olympic sport because it was added later.
  15. Camilo

    Dirtbag no more

    Shit, I thought this was going to be about you finding a sugar momma.
  16. Mano Negra! I can't stop listening to them (old band of Manu Chao).
  17. Camilo

    Summer. Fuckineh.

    Why the hell has my eyelid been twitching for weeks now? Do I need Botox?
  18. My friend's shoe fell off of his pack. I'm going to try to stop by there at some point this weekend, but if you're in the area and happen to find it, I'll buy you beer for its return. The shoe fell somewhere within a 1/2 mile radius of here
  19. Camilo

    Japanese Gardens

    Please don't refer to your carabiners as "biners." As a hispanic, it offends me
  20. The real story behind the pictures
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