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Everything posted by Camilo

  1. No way. Popped or unpopped, I never leave the skin there. Whenever I do that, it's forever itchy. . . and since it's calloused, I can't scratch my itch. So wheter I pop it or not, that skin will end up in my mouth eventually
  2. Why not put a flame on the blister until the fluid boils and pops? 2 birds, 1 stone.
  3. I don't know, Dru. The way I look at it, I only got a blister because I didn't fall hard enough for the skin to rip off and make a scab. Instead, the top layer just separated and filled with juice. I have three little ones on my other hand and it's the same deal. The skin on my arm actually came off and I have a scab, which is much more convenient than a stupid blister. I think I'll pop it.
  4. Man, I can't believe all of you voted for me to squirt the intern with it. You're all sick bastards. I'm trying to get the intern to have a productive, educational, and valuable experience, and you people want me to squirt him with my blister juice . And besides, I grew attached to my little blister overnight, so I think I'll keep it. So much for democracy, eh comrades?
  5. After a 'skateboard accident' last night, I ended up with a pretty disgusting but mostly inconvenient blister on my palm. I'll leave it up to you guys to decide if I should pop it or not, because I don't really care either way. If response is strong enough, I can even arrange to squirt somebody with the juice. Maybe the intern at work? Vote away.
  6. I skipped that whole stupid canyoneering thing and just chopped my arm off. Saved a lot of rescuers some hassle.
  7. looking for tips and tricks eh? Just like reading ANAM, a person needs to know how to avoid these situations.
  8. Who cares? I give antifreeze to kittens.
  9. Dru, you're a dirty whore. Stop talking shit about Chile.
  10. I deleted this from my start menu, but I just checked out the high scores and it turns out my best beginner time is 7 seconds. I am not proud of this.
  11. Looks like Peter's right. source, but there are others as well I don't know what to think. On the one hand it's political correctness, on the other it's trying just to present the facts. I don't really care, because it's just semantics, but why don't you guys tell me what to think .
  12. Like this one? http://www.fbuch.com/leon.htm To inflict the blow that trotsky took an Ice Axe would work substantially better than an Ice pick. Plus it was sawed off. Everyone knows you can't make an icepick more lethal by sawing it off. But shotguns and ice axes. . .
  13. Camilo

    Bad First Dates

    Here's a little trick that can impress a guy: If he opens the door for you, when you get in you can reach across and unlock his door. I don't have power locks, so I appreciate the reach-around .
  14. Camilo

    police radar

    I was driving by a girl in L.A. who was applying EYE makeup on the freeway. Steering with her legs, vanity mirror down. Scary
  15. Camilo

    TR: Oregon Gas

    I got out of breath reading that. Sentences man, sentences.
  16. Camilo

    TR: Oregon Gas

    If a place is really busy and they have a credit card reader on the pump, just start pumping it yourself. What the hell are they going to do, arrest you? Siphon the gas back out of your car? Let the kid finish it up and you're set. I've done it before, and then said that I just got back from college and forgot about the self serve thing. There's also a pump at the Arco in Troutdale where you used to be able to pump your own gas. I haven't done it in a couple of years, but I think it's still there. Boycotting Oregon gas sure teaches us a lesson .
  17. Consider the source. James Inhofe is the same dumbass who was "Outraged by the outrage" over prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib.
  18. Camilo

    Bush on TV

    Take away "you and" and the sentence doesn't make sense with "I"
  19. Fairweather's right. Kona's bikes are damn heavy. You should also check out the Giant Trance
  20. Camilo

    Bush on TV

    The CNN headline for the speech is: "Bush to give 'clear strategy' for Iraq" Only a couple of years overdue
  21. I'm thinking about heading to Smith tonight (won't get out of work for an hour or so) and have to be back in town by around 7 tomorrow night. If anybody wants a ride down there or would rather climb at Broughton, Carver, or Rocky pm me and let me know, I can be easily persuaded. Edit: Reply here or PM me
  22. Thanks for lobbying harder than Oregon
  23. He isn't cactus2clouds. He's seatosummit12. Gapper Jeffey even gets a mention:
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