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Everything posted by Camilo

  1. I like guns because they give me something to do when I'm drunk
  2. That was probably the coolest t-storm I've ever been in. We got zipped up in the tent about 2 minutes before the sky opened up on us. After the first storm when we went looking for you guys, my girlfriend and I were standing by your site watching the lightning from the next storm rolling in. It was pretty amazing and it was lighting up the sky. Even with minimal skiing it was a great time hanging out in the tent eating pasta and drinking 20" Brown . Timmy, did you guys make some turns on the Cinder Cone on your way out? We saw some fresh tracks up there as we left.
  3. Damn Jeffy, nice work! I'd post a TR of my trip a little further south, but it consisted of taking too long to pack our shit, getting to camp late, getting pounded by a thunderstorm, and skiing out in the rain the next morning. All in all a good time in Gaper Timmy's neck of the woods.
  4. Gaper Jeffy, I hope you didn't miss this one! Bluebird skies, sweet corn, and perfect temps made for a damn good time on the Sisters.
  5. Camilo


    Gaper Timmy? He's skiing right now.
  6. Camilo

    Car suggestions

    I think the increased fuel efficiency can make up for the higher gas price. Plus if you can figure out a way to make your own biodiesel, you don't have to pay gas tax. My mom has a Jetta TDI 4-door sedan, and it feels smaller than my 2-door Civic hatchback.
  7. Sounds good. Shorter approach = more alcohol. I'll be bringing Pisco and Coke. And limes. And since I'm waiting for a friend to come down from Seattle Friday night, we might be leaving at 5am on Sat. morning so we'd see you guys around noon.
  8. maybe these pictures will change your mind, Dru
  9. Looks like Gapper Jeffy is too cool for the cc.com crowd. Too cool In that same thread, though, there is a mention of a Swedish U-18 women's telemark team taking a field trip the the same area
  10. That thing looks like a hearse.
  11. I watched a big chunk of this. This pastor was telling an auditorium full of kids that they'd been lied to by adults - that condoms don't protect them. Here was my favorite quote: Since a condom won't protect her emotions, she shouldn't use one at all .
  12. These are comments for a deep fat frier on bensbargains.net. He's active in the Victoria's Secret sale discussion too. He needs an invitation here.
  13. NSFW. Why am I still at work?
  14. If it's unspeakable, it's not a solution.
  15. You people are idiots. This whole stem cell/cloning research is just a THEORY. It hasn't been proven, so it doesn't deserve any funding whatsoever. I'm donating my money and lobbying the government to support Intelligent Design stem cells. The whole process is so complex and filled with ethical dilemmas that only something smarter than any human (not God though - I never said God!) can develop it. Same goes for the rest of science.
  16. Just thought I'd bring this back. I'd like to hear what he has to say this time, but for some weird reason I think it will be the same old song.
  17. That post and your signature go really well together!
  18. Here's the link http://lionvs40midgets.tripod.com/
  19. You know it's fake, right?
  20. Nolse, if you didn't rupture your eardrum you could've done some damage to the canal itself. PM me if you want a good specialist. He can see you pretty quickly, he's good, and in NW Portland.
  21. Unless the weather's better on Hood, I'll be there with my girlfriend. How long is the hike in from the highway? I've only started from the Devil's Lake TH.
  22. Camilo

    Boycott Newsweek

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought there was a distinct difference between POWs and hostages.
  23. I just lost mine last week! It's nice to finally get rid of the thing and see a nice new fresh one growing underneath. I'll take a lost toenail over an ingrown nail any day.
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