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Everything posted by Camilo

  1. That doesn't look anything like me. This is me, decide for yourselves:
  2. I can do that. I have a DVD burner on my computer, let me know Mike.
  3. If this happened in Portland, the old woman would've laced some steaks with paraquat and placed them in the nearby public park.
  4. I think they might've done this because Reuters.com doesn't charge for their video.
  5. I was checking out skis for a buddy in shops in Portland and both Mountain Shop and OMC have the Rossi T3 and T4 for $280-$350.
  6. Camilo


    I thought you were a girl? Post up a picture and you'll be flooded with climbing invites. Edit: I was talking about Knotzen. I don't know what the hell Ireneo is talking about.
  7. Camilo

    MisterE's avatar

    If I got a nickel. . . nevermind.
  8. Yes, it was a question. The he asked, "Is this possible?" I ask myself the same thing whenever I need to pee: I think I might have to take a leak. How can this be?
  9. Camilo

    MisterE's avatar

    Oh yeah, the butthole was Layton's. What's the peeing robot?
  10. Camilo

    MisterE's avatar

    What about Dru's dancing butthole? Gross, but strangely hypnotic. . . or so I heard.
  11. I got an email from Netflix to offer friends and family a free month trial of Netflix. I don't have any friends, so PM me your email address and I'll forward you the email.
  12. Camilo


    iain, get a Surly. http://www.surlybikes.com/ 4130 steel. Heavy, but tough as nails. My commuter/cross bike is a cross check.
  13. That was a ton of fun, thanks Doug and John. I might just have to make some room in the budget for some tools. See you at drytool night soon .
  14. Camilo


    Super fun, I have a cyclocross bike. If you want to check out a race, you're free to borrow it. http://www.crosscrusade.com/ is the main cyclocross series in Portland, starts in a couple of weeks. Redline, Kona, and Surly make great bikes. Plus there are a bunch of other small makers.
  15. I'm interested, and PDX carpool would be best to save on gas. I've got a Civic that fits 4 comfortably, except you get rattled on Cloud Cap road. What time would you guys be thinking of heading out of town?
  16. I'd be down for doing that on Sunday. . . if you don't mind a total ice noob coming along.
  17. Camilo

    Katrina triage

    What if it was a goldfish?
  18. Camilo

    FUCK 'EM UP CU!!

    Rugby is an improvement of soccer. Football is a perversion of rugby.
  19. Camilo

    25 Viewing...

    I'd give you a link, but I don't think you want it. It wouldn't be work safe. Ask Peter Puget for it.
  20. Camilo

    25 Viewing...

    They all look like they're being "serviced." Except the baby. And the wifebeaters.
  21. Camilo

    25 Viewing...

    Whatever Dan. At least I didn't embarrass myself trying to score a pagebottom. Have the decency to edit your mistakes.
  22. Camilo

    25 Viewing...

    Dammit Oly. . . I get up for 10 sec to get a fudgsicle, and you beat me to the pagebottom!
  23. Camilo

    25 Viewing...

    Crampon, how are you going to get a girlfriend when you have such a poop mouth?
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