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Everything posted by Camilo

  1. Didn't make it. My condolences to the victim's family.
  2. Tex, I think he means Redmond Washington.
  3. Bump. They got their money! Hopefully the new president and CEO (former republican co-chairman) doesn't politicize public broadcasting more than it is.
  4. Camilo

    raceist jokes

    Dru, you just brought back probably the most traumatic point in my childhood. But it was puppies in the bag.
  5. Here's something you might find to your liking, PP. Keep doing your part to unite the country. Liberals vs. conservatives. Yay!
  6. Camilo

    guess who?

    Didn't I do that to you at Smith?
  7. Camilo

    What's Your Value?

    My girlfriend and parents both tell me I'm worthless. Pretty often. My boss too.
  8. NOLSe, I'm down for just about any night next week. If it's raining, I've got boots.
  9. Jeb's trying to make a name for himself though: I don't think we've heard the last of Terri. Poor girl. Some balance would be nice in this country.
  10. the quick answer is yes. i use the old regular standard self-inflating one. and from what i've seen, i'd guess that's what quite a few people use. I actually got the prolite 4 a few weeks ago and I couldn't even tell I was sleeping on snow. A slightly cheaper option is the prolite 3 women's version. It's hot pink and has a higher insulation rating than the standard version. And it's a puny bit narrower.
  11. Oh. UTS = Uncage The Soul. Got it. Nevermind. And I thought I was being soooooo clever.
  12. Aside from the climb, I can't believe that nobody has mentioned that this is likely a posting by the man himself. Hmmmmm. . . let's see: Random named avatar, unsolicited media release, little to no followup. Style seems eerily familiar. Not that I care though.
  13. Ummmmm. . . nevermind. Going biking instead.
  14. See you guys there! I'll be there with a couple of friends. Oh. I'll be there at 6. In a green shirt.
  15. Camilo

    WA climbing lust

    Chaps is stalking Divot
  16. Please people. Keep this thread on topic.
  17. There have been previous emails circulating about public broadcasting losing funding, but now it's really happening. I heard this story and only a small percentage of their funding comes from the gov't: link Edit: I just reread the thing at quite a bit more comes from the gov't, almost 20%. Apparently these cuts are partly due to conservative legislators pasting it "liberal media" and don't want the government funding negative publicity (i.e. the news) against the themselves. That's lame, and think of it what you will. I just don't want to hear more pledge drives. Anyways, just sign this petition. And tell your friends who like NPR or OPB or whatever the hell Washington has. Sign me Here's the Snopes link if you don't believe me.
  18. My new avatar is nasty! It's even nastier seeing it 3 times in a row.
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