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Everything posted by Camilo

  1. Camilo

    I'm so excited.

    What's lame about those is that you wear snowblades at the same time. That's like riding a BMX bike with rollerblades on. I rented one of the older ski bikes and it was fun. I built my own and it was even more fun, albeit much much sketchier. Needless to say that within a couple of hours, Ski Bowl decided that they would only allow production ski bikes on the hill. But man was it fun! If anybody's up for some ski biking sometime, I'll cut up some old skis and mount them up on axles for you. It's easy, and I'd be up to try it again! Squid, you can bring your kayak too.
  2. Camilo

    I'm so excited.

    You stop just like you do on skis. Or jump off and hope the bike doesn't keep going.
  3. Camilo

    I'm so excited.

    If you want to do Adams, cut up some old skis and make a ski bike. I did it and used it at Ski Bowl a couple of times. It's super fun!
  4. Camilo

    I'm so excited.

    Were your shocks frozen? Are they elastomer?
  5. I have a rarely seen and distant companion brown star too, and it also periodically dilodges massive things, usually preceded by Oort clouds!
  6. Of Samoas! I buy at least 4 boxes and hide them in different places to find weeks or months later. Just found a box in my bottom drawer. I love Girl Scout cookies! edited for perverts
  7. Outside magazine is too metrosexual, even for me. Expensive romantic vacations and top 10 lists . I used to like picking it up on occasion.
  8. I can make it. . . I'm flying to Hawaii Tuesday morning
  9. I got an amazing box set of Uncle Dave Macon from my girlfriend. The coolest old-time picker around. Kelly Joe Phelps, if you like folksy blues. He's coming to Portland in a couple of weeks but I won't be here
  10. Camilo

    Parque Pumalin

    Isla Negra! Pablo Neruda's house, one of the coolest places I've ever seen. I'll PM you some more places later. Definitely go there, just south of Valparaiso.
  11. Camilo

    Parque Pumalin

    That's awesome, can't wait to see the pics. Yeah, I'm from Santiago. Unfortunately my cousin is at my grandma's apt. right now for school, otherwise she'd put you up. It's still up in the air exactly where we're going, but I can't wait. Have fun!
  12. And you're an dickhead. Congratulations.
  13. Camilo

    Parque Pumalin

    It looks really cool. Thanks! I was right by there (Pto Montt and Chiloe) 10 years ago and didn't even hear about it. If I'm in the area in August I'll head there. Still working on whether to go north or south after skiing.
  14. Here you go Fairweather. Courtesy of Google, she's on the left. Note the site, http://newyorksocialdiary.com
  15. From NWS Website on Hood: With warm temps it won't be light, but it'll give a good base!
  16. I can join you at around 5:30, but I have to go to rugby practice around 6:45.
  17. There are three routes in the Backcountry Ski! Oregon book. Mine's at home but I can check this weekend for you. Or you can buy it: http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=1-1570612323-0
  18. Camilo


    Yeah, I just read that they're getting involved with the Terri Schiavo case. Don't we have another branch of government for this?
  19. Camilo


    Baseball is a competitive sport. Taking steroids is an unfair advantage. Smoking a joint when you're climbing for yourself has nothing to do with this. People pay good money to watch a fair baseball game. It's also a problem in just about every other sport. I don't want to buy a ticket to see who's better at getting away with doping, I want to see the better athlete. It's definitely not for Congress to get involved in, though.
  20. Camilo


    And the award for totally irrelevant comparison goes to: Sisu!
  21. Yes he does Welcome back Fairweather.
  22. Climb: Tahoe - Mt. Tallac-NE ridge Date of Climb: 2/14/2005 Trip Report: My friend Jason and another buddy were coming to Portland from Boston for a Cross Country meet, so we figured we should take a ski trip from here. Originally the plan was to drive to Whistler but we decided we'd have better luck with snow in California, so Tahoe it was. After asking around on this board I got a few ideas, but bought the 50 Classic Backcountry Ski Descents in California book to get some ideas on where to go. We flew to Reno and stayed in Tahoe City not knowing any better, so don't ask me for lodging advice. We decided Tallac was the one to ski. It's about a 25 minute drive to the turnoff for Tallac from Tahoe City. A quick steep skin of about a quarter mile up a hill will get you into the basin where the ridge starts up to the right. After that, you'd better hope you have climbing bars because it's pretty much nonstop steep skinning all the way up. We followed a skin track that had been snowed on a bit. The slopes going up looked really good, and there were not tracks outside of the skin track anywhere: When we got to a flat spot (about 9000' I think), ate lunch, and decided to head down from there because it looked so good: Fresh tracks, great snow, about knee deep. We went back up, did it again, and called it a day. The next day we decided to do it again, but hit the summit bowl this time. By the time we reached our lunch spot, it was snowing quite a bit. We made the summit after about 4 hours and headed down. The summit bowl was damn good, and well worth the climb. All in all, a great time. Tickets from PDX were $130 on Southwest, worth every penny. I'm already thinking of going back soon! Edit: This is my first TR, so any pointers are appreciated, or is this not worth a TR? Gear Notes: Skis, skins, avy gear.
  23. Did you tell her your full name? Google is a bitch, eh? Bummer Mike, I just read this whole thread and my advice was going to be to find one running at Forest Park. Too bad it didn't work out, try again. It's just up the road from you, and the best time to go is on a sunny weekday after 5pm. And don't tell them your last name this time .
  24. Tim, The approach from car to summit was approx 4 hours including a lunch stop 2/3 of the way up via NW ridge (I don't know if this has a name). Get on it!
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