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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. its always all about you Petey.
  2. olyclimber


    oldlarry??? I'M OLD GREG!!!!!!! [video:youtube]tDJJ1O_ND_c
  3. dude...its common knowledge that national debt is a healthy part of a thriving capitalist system.
  4. well, its cheaper that way. the market will dictate the level of care you get.
  5. well duh! he can work from home!
  6. Z for prez.
  7. olyclimber


    Step 1: FIX. Step 2: IT.
  8. olyclimber


  9. i don't know what i want but i know how to get it!
  10. olyclimber


  11. olyclimber


    http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/10/business/economy/10leonhardt.html the real story is that the Bush administration took a surplus and turned it into MASSIVE deficit. Obama and his "majority" in congress haven't done shit to fix it. obviously we need to fix it. at this point our option is to turn to the party that created it to fix it, and thats how people voted this time around. NOW FIX IT BITCH!
  12. olyclimber


    I will continue to blame Bush (and Lars) for the problems we have. After all, he had two terms to royally fuck shit up to the point that no one could fix shit in ONE YEAR in office. i'm not defending the democrats, they haven't done shit. but at least they haven't fucked shit up as bad as bush did. but obviously this is a referendum on getting shit done, and the democraps haven't. in one year from now, if the republicunts haven't done shit either...where will you stand then?
  13. what kind of bullshit is this? on felix day? here is your map:
  14. no
  15. olyclimber

    Need crampon help

    she is the new Walmart Flesh Tent.
  16. well the angry left has shown what they can do....jackshit. at least the angry right can lead us in a direction, even if it is down the shitter. i'm buying guns, ammo, gold, and non-perishable food to prepare for our new jackass overlords.
  17. peter you're wrong and you know it. there are only two things Obama needs to do to fix everything: 1. 2.
  18. this ones 4 u pink [video:youtube]OyxNgnQ9m30
  19. olyclimber

    Palin on FOX

    this is producing some good TV. even better than Jersey Shore! The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Crazy Like a Contributor www.thedailyshow.comDaily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Crisis
  20. Happy for you and yours!
  21. should have gone with grandpa and his daughter in law!
  22. Yep. And you munched his scat for eight long years. What up with that? well his lack of timely response WAS pretty fucked up. and then to assign "browny" to the issue? if you want to see further fucked up responses see Robertson or Rush.
  23. duh! trolling on a subject like that is cool, just ask this chick :wave: : http://twitter.com/mollymshephard personally i find joking and trolling about the death pretty offensive. maybe you don't. well then why don't u edit or delete my post. hell, why don't you just ban me??? i'm sure i won't be missed and i'm ok with that. i would miss my lil "pink" whooping post, if you know what i mean
  24. duh! trolling on a subject like that is cool, just ask this chick :wave: : http://twitter.com/mollymshephard personally i find joking and trolling about the death pretty offensive. maybe you don't.
  25. Nothing Hugh says is intentional. He is one of the only mistakes the universe has made in instilling natural order.
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