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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber

    In Bliss

    And of course I'm in for the suite! $100. Lets do it. Z=CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN!
  2. olyclimber

    In Bliss

    Man...this reminds me of a time not long ago! I'm giddy with expectations!!!!
  3. Sorry, Mud, Seattle.
  4. how is babby formed?
  5. OH HAI! I GOT 6 BELAY DEVICES FOR XMAS!!! what the hell.
  6. no, after this is empty spray. or spayed spray, if you will.
  7. Love games?
  8. were you hoping for mancrunch.com ads instead?
  9. The Sound of Music
  10. phonies
  11. [video:youtube]SmL2XAnvjQE
  12. Yeah, I prefer the president to be more passive aggressive. you know, so he would fit in in seattle and all.
  13. olyclimber


    der der der
  14. olyclimber


  15. Thanks for the pics Graham!
  16. I might go if Ulee wants to. Are you going down for spring training? might be down there a weekend.
  17. Sorry i meant the Giant iPhone...aka the iMaxiPad.
  18. What? no red-baiting today? today, is 'let's play the sympathy card' day? and don't confuse being full of oneself and not letting you get away with pretending ignorance about your long term support for the plutocracy that led us to bankruptcy. True story: I laughed so loudly when I read this that someone outside my office asked me what was so funny! So what exactly did cause our massive debt Peter? Or is it a healthy thing? Was it because Ben Sheets signed with the As? Was it because the iPhone has no video camera? EDUCATE US PETER!
  19. Well I'm ANGRY that the iPad does not cure cancer or heartburn!!! FUCKING THING SUCKS!
  20. dress up like a ninja, break into the data center, steal the server.
  21. olyclimber


    come now. you've suspended reality before. admit it!
  22. olyclimber

    North Face

    cool thanks. i'm going to check that out.
  23. olyclimber


    I went with low expectations...and while the script is shart, I found it to be enjoyable visually. although, the best 3D implementation I've seen todate was the Weird Al Human Brain thing at the Puyallup Fair. with that one you were literally ducking (esp when he shoots his brain juice at you). http://io9.com/5426120/did-prog-rocks-greatest-artist-inspire-avatar-all-signs-point-to-yes/
  24. These are great. I wonder if that is where R Kelly got the inspiration: [video:youtube]y8IVlfyIc8g
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