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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Your math is off
  2. Das ist mir scheißegal
  3. http://kplu.org/post/mystery-man-revealed-daredevil-behind-lens
  4. olyclimber

    Trip Reports

    I will....however it is still raining from time to time today....so we have to drive out and see what happens. when you get back, post a trip report with pictures If I do it will be in spray where it belongs. And so you fail to deliver yet again. You still live in the world of the "non-contributor", yet you think it is cool criticize the efforts of others who actually do contribute. It is too bad you can't understand or acknowledge how bad that makes you look. I want to be clear, I apologize for calling you an idiot Kevbone. I may believe so, but it isn't right to do so as an official representative of this forum. It is a personal reaction I have to a lot of the things you say, believe in, and your attitude. In my official capacity, I apologize. From a personal standpoint I don't hate you Kev. I do think you have a wonderful family, you are a talented guitar player, and you are a great friend to many. I haven't met you in person, and given my schedule these days that isn't likely to happen soon. I always reserve my impression of someone to some combination of online and in person interaction, but sometimes I fail to remember that myself. That said, though some of you may be happy with the way this board has been going or happy hanging out in this community we call CascadeClimbers as it is now, we as owners are not. We want to make it BETTER. For some of you that means just Spray and lurking on the actual reason we really are here (TRs and other non-Spray forums), and for others it is the opposite. Some of you it is both. But we as owners of the board want to see it all a little more vibrant and diverse, even Spray, and you should too. This is your resource after all. However, for Jon and I it is a bigger picture, and we believe it is for you too. It means more to us than just being the hang out of a select few. The more people interacting with the site, the more TRs and more information we will have shared....the better the site. Often with quantity will also come some level of quality as well, even if there is a diverse level of quality. And to that end, Spray isn't actually your personal playground were you say whatever you want. You may think so, but it isn't. It is a useful tool to allow climbers, skiers, and other like minded people interact about topics that aren't related to the core forum topics. It attracts people because they can discuss topics of just have fun chatting casually...meanwhile perhaps popping into other "core mission" forums to interact. As such, we view even Spray as something we may need to cultivate or correct if it has become stagnate. This board does not exist for Spray, regardless of what you believe Kev. This board has distinct forums that provide meaningful content on a variety of topics, and Spray is but an ugly tempter/temptress serving to siphon off topic discussion and protect the core forums. And it can be fun as hell, and as boring as this post. So if you like the status quo, I have bad news for you. And if many people aren't interacting due to the participation of a few, we may even reserve the right to make changes there. tldr: Kev, sorry for calling you an idiot. Changes may be necessary soon to make this place better. Please elevate the discussion or at least be funny, or a least funnier than this boring post.
  5. http://www.salon.com/2013/05/29/i_was_a_liberal_mole_at_fox_news_from_bill_oreilly_to_roger_ailes_heres_all_the_inside_dope/
  6. There is a whole cottage industry around librul "entertainment news humor": Colbert The Daily Show The Onion It seems like the only worthwhile reaction to Fox News and the radio shock jock thing (Limbaugh, O'Reilly, etc).
  7. [video:youtube]xafZi-ag1kI
  8. I know this may have been posted before, but I couldn't find that post. Here are some pictures taken by whomever is climbing on structures and exploring around Seattle and taking some unique photos. No condoning anything!
  9. olyclimber

    Trip Reports

    Go climbing Kev. Take lots of pictures.
  10. I probably won't carry the camping gear past that "climbers" camp myself, but good on you if it made your trip better (which it sounds like it did). It is nice to camp above the tree line, and if there was already a crowd at the camp then that makes sense too. Thanks for the TR, I love this scramble and the hike through the Valley of the Silent Men is special.
  11. olyclimber

    Trip Reports

    Maybe we could have some logic puzzle that you have to complete before you can logon to post?
  12. olyclimber

    Trip Reports

    I was just venting...I didn't realistically think that I would actually be able to get through to him. Many have tried fruitlessly before, and why would anyone expect to have an actual meaningful conversation with a 911 Truther (let alone the other garbage that populates his head). Engaging in a battle of wits with an unarmed person just isn't right. It was really just venting and to let others know that we do recognize that this board has become stagnate in some regards. Some of it has to do with the discourse that we have been having (and not just Kevbone). This discourse hasn't really been that interesting, especially when compared to some stuff that has been on here in the past by some razor sharp wits. Some of it has to due with competing spaces (Facebook, blogs). I'm sure you all haver your own opinions. That all aside, this website is an awesome resource and continues to be so. As time permits, Jon and I will continue to try to be good stewards and improve the site.
  13. olyclimber

    Trip Reports

    Well not to mention the hypocrite never bothers to include pictures with almost any of the threads he starts. BORING. LAME. I think Carlin captures it best: [video:youtube]DB8wWlPdYRs
  14. [video:youtube]X30zaUQEkaQ
  15. [video:youtube]DYivGrFkgIk
  16. olyclimber

    Trip Reports

    And btw, does anyone want to speculate as to who ALLCAPS is?
  17. olyclimber

    Trip Reports

    So does that turn this thread into a TR?
  18. olyclimber

    Trip Reports

    How is this being passive agressive? I'm straight up calling you out and addressing you. Maybe you need to "hit the books" and learn what that means. No, if it were just me I wouldn't say anything. This is based on feedback I have gotten over a long period of time about this site. You are the one who started this thread. I know that you may not grasp how stupid of a conversation the original topic is, or how it could possibility deride the core mission of the site it we just let your thread go without comment. I think I stated pretty clearly that I do not think you are a "bad guy". Nor are you the only "problem" poster on this site. But if you fuck with the core mission of this site, you're going to get the horns.
  19. olyclimber

    Trip Reports

    Nice...well, I have to say that got a chuckle out of me. There was some actual wit used there!
  20. olyclimber

    Trip Reports

    Your "ground" is the garbage dump. Sometimes a Trip Report isn't to amuse Bone in his garbage dump. Sometimes a trip report is to let people know about conditions of a route or location. Sometimes it is just to serve as a reminder to get out. Sometimes a trip report doesn't need pictures because the writing is entertaining enough. There are other reasons. Spray is fun, but here is an opinion that I'm not alone in sharing (and in fact has been shared with me by no small number of people): This site would be better off if you posted less Kevbone. It actually pains me to have to say this, because I'm not joking at all. I think you do share some fun things, you are a talented artist on the guitar, and you have a wonderful family. But your personality and where you lead a lot of the conversations even in Spray has just turned off a lot of people. I know you have your supporters and friends, and not everyone is turned off by you. But your tireless "Everything is Spray" campaign is precisely what many people disagree with you on. Other people are capable of delineating between communicating wankery and actual good information (meaningful content or stoke). You apparently aren't. I have always been of the mind that Spray should be an open playground for fun and amusement. That approach has let to a lot of fun times over the years. It has also led to some pretty ugly situations. We have never banned someone for being a complete idiot before. There has to be some sort of malice attached. The topic of this thread is so fucking stupid it hurts, and serves as a sample of why people are turned off by the discussions you create (and in great number) and lead them to other more interesting venues on the Internet at the cost of this site. Again, it pains me to say this stuff. I don't think you are a bad person, I just wish you would STFU up sometimes. And Ivan is not a god here, but he does actually contribute. And in the eyes of many, even if his TRs are more entertainment than informative, his contribution is godlike compared to what you have given us.
  21. olyclimber

    Trip Reports

    if you can't read, they might be. but nothing sucks more than a wanker who complains all the time and doesn't contribute anything more than brainless drivel.
  22. I remember the Hood canal going down. And having to ride a ferry across to get to Seattle.
  23. don't see any mention of loss of life there Bob. Maybe you know better than the talking heads....
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