"As horrible and horrific this terrorist bombing was with the loss of innocent lives and the many wounded, this nation is in more danger from Marxist Obama. His sole purpose is to destroy our Heavenly inspired Constitution and God given freedoms. Mark my words: he will try to proclaim Martial Law just before the 2016 election in order to stay in power and change our Republic of freedom into a socialist/communist state. But he knows he can't do that until guns are taken away from law abiding citizens first. Therefore, he will intensify his attack on the 2nd Amendment; and will issue an illegal Executive Order usurping our freedom if Congress doesn't cave in and give him his way.
He has broken his oath of office to support and defend The Constitution of the United States against all foes, foreign and domestic, by infringing on our right to bear arms, constantly lying to the American people, illegally by-passing Congress, and the list goes on. Congress must impeach this Marxist tyrant from Kenya before it is too late to save our Republic."