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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. i'm getting pretty hungry just thinking about it.
  2. he is clearly intent on letting the tearists win
  3. protuberance spraying ejactulate. and yes i'm aware of women squirting, but that would just be like a faultline spraying magma...not a big elevation.
  4. What I don't get is why people anthropomorphize mountains as women. They are phallic protuberances, not vaginal holes.
  5. I think this whole situation just shows how much a reality TV show would be great there. This sort of tension will bring great ratings.
  6. olyclimber


  7. skeet skeet ah
  8. [video:youtube]VlmanKoPLyo
  9. But do you know if you exist? Maybe you don't think so you aren't? Inquiring minds want to know.
  10. olyclimber


  11. olyclimber

    Gaper Day!

    What is cross country snowboard forum?
  12. olyclimber

    Gaper Day!

    i don't need no buddy
  13. olyclimber


    What is "what is"? What is "what"? Why?
  14. "As horrible and horrific this terrorist bombing was with the loss of innocent lives and the many wounded, this nation is in more danger from Marxist Obama. His sole purpose is to destroy our Heavenly inspired Constitution and God given freedoms. Mark my words: he will try to proclaim Martial Law just before the 2016 election in order to stay in power and change our Republic of freedom into a socialist/communist state. But he knows he can't do that until guns are taken away from law abiding citizens first. Therefore, he will intensify his attack on the 2nd Amendment; and will issue an illegal Executive Order usurping our freedom if Congress doesn't cave in and give him his way. He has broken his oath of office to support and defend The Constitution of the United States against all foes, foreign and domestic, by infringing on our right to bear arms, constantly lying to the American people, illegally by-passing Congress, and the list goes on. Congress must impeach this Marxist tyrant from Kenya before it is too late to save our Republic."
  15. I don't need no "satanic government" protecting me... I have lived most of my life without their protection... and I am just fine. They are saying now that the attacks involve a wider conspiracy. Well... they have that part right... all these attacks on the U.S., and other countries are ordered by the Antichrist, who just happens to have served as the 42nd President of the United States of America... William Jefferson Clinton.
  16. Yes, Oblamo Sin Barry Lefter than Left Laden granted them honary citizenship after they carried out his bidding.
  17. apparently this was all an inside job by Barry Oblamo.
  18. Good news: one of the most entertaining online features is back online? Fox News article comments appear to be back. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/04/22/white-house-says-boston-bombing-suspect-will-not-be-treated-as-enemy-combatant/#comments
  19. that didn't come off as pompous at all! :kisss:
  20. Speaking of car alarms, I had a green Honda Accord EX with an aftermarket Clifford Alarm. Holy Motha of Gawd that alarm pissed off/scared the shit out of so many people. What it would do was after the car sat for a little bit (like 2-3 minutes) the alarm would activate automatically if all doors were closed. The guy who loved it the most though was Jeff Hansel. It seems like every time we went climbing the situation would arise where Jeff would try to get into the car (unlocked) while I was away on the can or in the store. And then the alarm would go off, sometimes for a while. This would not please the Hansel. He hated the f'king car. Other adventures we had in it were braffing on the jeep trails behind Skull Hollow well after midnight. We even found some big log out there we dragged back to camp to burn. Almost got high centered a couple of times. Also, on the way out to Index we stopped for gas at the Safeway on Lake Shitty Way. For some reason I left if fueling up and went to get something to eat in the store while Jeff and Pax where out with the car. Well of course the alarm came on and some guy got SUPER pissed that the car was blocking his way to get gas. A good time was had by all.
  21. http://www.outsideonline.com/blog/outdoor-adventure/inside-the-crash-and-recovery-of-jeb-corliss.html
  22. http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/16/us/tainted-letter-intercepted/index.html
  23. Thank you Off...we are going to see the movie this week!
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