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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. [video:youtube]Yop62wQH498
  2. [video:youtube]neHgPKWY4Qg
  3. i can't believe i'm trying to float the spirits of ronnie raygun! unbelievable! you can do it!
  4. nah they are just a stop gap. buck up there chipper! the rain will soon be gone, after it gets done washing all the scum away things are going to be really nice.
  5. Felix happens!
  6. Peter, don't be such a downer. Its best to keep a bright and cheery disposition while you're turning things around! I really enjoyed watching the boys almost mount an incredible comeback in the bottom of the 9th! So close. And guess what happens tomorrow?
  7. At least they aren't performing like Bush. LOL
  8. And LL Bean clothing and vacations well think of it this way, by getting a little paid R&R in the fund raisers are better prepared to raise more money. think of the children, stop being selfish.
  9. its best to hate yourself, its the most efficient way. then by reflection it is easier to hate anything and everyone without any waste.
  10. I'm always blown away by how much money from most "charities" actually make it to the cause they were supposedly set up for...it is pretty nuts. In some cases, almost no money at all makes it to the cause at hand....it is all blown on bureaucracy of the charity but most I think is spent on the means used to raise the money in the first place (the telemarketers). http://www.americanownews.com/story/19707005/how-much-of-your-donations-really-go-to-charity
  11. I don't know...Smoak seemed to be hitting the ball well in spring, I had hoped he had turned the corner somewhat. He does seem to be on everyone's chopping block, and 1st base is for hitters. Hopefully Ackley figures it out too. Zunino seems to be doing pretty well so far down at Tacoma! We'll be at the K-Center for a while this evening, what field will you be at? Hiawatha?
  12. the safe was electric tonight. i got to watch Rick Ankiel strike out for his 11th and 12th time in only 14 at bats!
  13. Don't worry Matt! Change is in the air! Soon our sporting teams will be hoisting the trophys, cups, and banners and all will rejoice!
  14. what loss? I can't remember those! Opening day at the Safe today...and even if Peter is letting the team down by missing this incredible moment, Ulee and I will be there...look for us on TV when we catch a foul ball up the 1st baseline!
  15. I don't have any down stuff, but all the GoLight stuff I have (a pack, a synthetic jacket) is good quality stuff.
  16. the mighty m's have blemished their perfect season, but the big bopper has 4 through 4!
  17. Great question! I like Mt Stone, but there are so many good ones.
  18. thanks Mr Pink! [video:youtube]malJUMz2A9Y
  19. olyclimber


  20. another new music thread. i've gotten many from you guys...here is one to start off with that isn't new probably to most of you but i can't get it out of my head (NSFWish): [video:youtube]BgK_Er7WZVg love this whole album though!
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