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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Woo Ken! Woo Kellie!
  2. So who has one of these, how long have you had it, and how it is holding up? I fondled one in a climbing shop the other day, they seem really nice and comfortable. I know it passed all the UIAA tests, but i wonder since it doesn't have a hard shell, how does it take a blow as compared to a hardshell? I see that it will deform on a blow, and then it will retract to its original shape...which is cool, but what about my head?
  3. Another: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/267633/1
  4. sorry for the thread drift, but here was the thread I was talking about...drift because not limited to "modern" (or even alpine) climbing. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/993541/1
  5. Second on the Omnibus...one of my favorite books. There is a older thread with an extensive list of great books....someone should dig that up.
  6. http://www.climbing.com/news/solo-times-3-on-the-chief/
  7. Agreed, would love to hear your story Brian.
  8. Demographically, it would be interesting to see the break down of climbing guides that male assholes, vs. female assholes, vs male nice guys, etc.
  9. What is the deal with news flashes? Some times it good news, some times its bad news. But mostly news is bad.
  10. [video:youtube]_CoAQkK8NCE
  11. wow, it only took you an hour to punch that hole you put the tent into? impressive!
  12. how close to accurate is this?
  13. ah...so that was Snafflehound ledge.
  14. The Internet is a great place to display your character for all to see. Even if it is worse than a turd on a ledge.
  15. Hey, bumblies might not be rad climber dudes, but many of them are OK people! I think this is more of a "FPCA" or First Popped Collar Ascent. Thanks for the TR, looks like you had perfect weather. PS, I moved your TR to the Alpine Lakes forum.
  16. was rope gunned up there by Jeff Hansel a while back. Here is some pics of the terrain (look at the lower pictures, first pics are from the SB): http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=709317 Seems like there is a lot of "choose your own adventure". climbing is not as hard as i indicated in my gumby TR.
  17. wow I never knew someone having a stroke could be so funny!
  18. But rumor is that Dru only pays with loonies, so that may be a problem for you.
  19. [video:youtube]2ux8qyKoRzI
  20. A reminder to be kind to people, even on anonymous internet forums, and maybe even when they are being a dick or appear to be going through something. Everyone is battling their own demons...just a little kindness will go a long way. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1068512 By the way, I can't recommend enough the movie about Charles Bradley....its called "Charles Bradley: Soul of America", and it is streaming on Netflix. Or either of his two albums (though his first is my favorite. Watch the movie....and if you like it buy one of his albums.
  21. yes
  22. [video:youtube]aHN6AViJAvI
  23. I would also like a friend. Just someone cares. You can be located anywhere, even Bend.
  24. olyclimber

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