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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Great Tr and pics, Off! Wish I could've made that one... The one with Bob tippin' is classic.
  2. How about the red tape route at the gym? We could seige it! Epiiiiic!
  3. EWolfe

    The Pirates

    For Chris' Sake, this place sucks Kill it now.
  4. in the General The General was tough. Suffering constant vehicular thuggery, most rigs woulda given up the ghost years ago. Sensible Camry...you're kidding, right?
  5. **yawn** Good morning, Sluts!
  6. I can't end it like that. Shit. The best way is to remember something wonderful. One of my best memories is helping Lara haul pavingstones and set them at the Kellogg household. After 6 hours of brutal hauling/setting, I was completely worked. Lara was still picking and setting stones like they were balsa wood. Damn. I was supposed to be the tough carpenter-type... RIP, my friend
  7. ohboyohboyohboy :moondance: sickie
  8. that's why the lightest person on the team carries the most weight! . I'll remember that you said that in The Tetons this summer!
  9. This is just awful news. I am so very sad about this, Lara was a friend. Aaaarrrggghhhh!!!! :cry:
  10. Anyway you look at it, there was plowing going on.
  11. Some of those look like they would actually work for my weight... Throw ham, yes... The full sized Poodles are great dogs!
  12. Well put, Jens. Aspirations are born of proximity. edit.
  13. Good point, Sherri. But the cases of Lyme's Disease in Washington are super-rare. I am sorry to hear about that, I can't imagine how much that would suck.
  14. No snakes, but the place is crawling with wholesome Mormon hardman-types... Yucky! France? We don't need no stinkin' France!
  15. Nice one Joseph. Come down for the next 'Fest so I can kick your ass in horseshoes again.
  16. Nonetheless, I reserve the right to react excessively, thank you very much.
  17. Drove 5 hours back to Utah tis last weekend to sample some more of the fine limestone outside St. George. The rock is immaculate, all the holds natural. The first day we went to The Cathedral, a huge cave with two full arches. West facing, it stays shady until 7PM! Patsy Cline the dreadlock Dog, holdin' down the tarp for us: The climbing is mostly 5.12 to 5.13 range, with some great .11's and a few .10's. It is steep, techy and pumpy - classic limestone. On the long rests between burns, I found a natural bonsai and did a rock garden around it, Rodman did creative rock stacking. We burned a couple of .12a's on Sunday, but were pretty trashed from Saturday. Day-on, day-off is the way to go here. Next trip will be 3 days. I snapped this from the Wailing Wall: Old Dogs get special priviledges: Shot this panorama on the way out Sunday: Big Panorama Th cliff is about 1/2 mile long, many of the walls have quality routes stacked! Erik-in-limestone-heaven
  18. Hey, wait! How can snakes be "afoot"? Hmmm? I've also seen 'em around the footbridge past Castle Rock
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