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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. lol, Sherri. GGK, is that per year? Could you possibly say you are returning from Alaska via the Alcan and not get busted? Great idea Julia! You will have fun!
  2. EWolfe

    Curling in BC?

    I heard what they do with that broom after the game.
  3. EWolfe

    Curling in BC?

    Curling is gay. You must be light in your loafers.
  4. EWolfe


    Boys of Summer are looking good so far this year
  5. Just a quick to ScottP for screwing the layout with his panorama.
  6. Alaska, as well. It's really nice.
  7. I always thought if I were to have hair implants, just plant those suckers all the way down my forehead to my eyebrows, just for kix.
  8. ARE YOU ON MEDS, MAN? WTF??? Where's the old Necro?
  9. They're currently short on calendar submissions for next year. A flurry of Northwest alpine sendfests might tip the scales...
  10. Brilliance has it's cost, sad to say.
  11. I had a great collection of bootleg tapes back in the day. Laugh all you want, they were on TDK Metal Reference, Baby! MAR Old Skool Hey, Mister LightMan... Si1Gkj6DkOE edit: sucks how they cut it off.
  12. That's pretty cool. Are they going to leave it down (best) or re-fix it after? I love a good this has legs.
  13. EWolfe

    Gear On ebay

    You will be :ass:imilated.
  14. EWolfe

    I fondeld my gear

    Working out the dirt and grime, I actually get a little pumped sometimes ....errr...fondling my gear! :blush: edit: stars on thars!
  15. I'll vouch for Sherri. She's a way psyched climbing partner! edit: ...and belongs rightfully in the CC.Com Hotties calendar!
  16. That's some funny shiz. Tony: I now resize my images at 900 pixels for the default, I used to do standard 800. You can size it anyway you want, over 1100 pixels gets big, and for our slo-feed friends, 800 is the quickest for loading. I have heard from folks that my 900 is waaayyyy slower to load.
  17. Rolfing is a lot deeper, pressure-wise, I have found. My mom does Cranial-sacral as part of her LMP practice, and barely touches the patient during that part of it. As stated, generally very light touch.
  18. Awesome. Thanks, everyone, for making this such a rockin good thread! Erik
  19. He's like a hero in the Keno world, Old Kip. He laughs in the face of Lady Luck, hitting the "jackpot" twice, against these odds: The probability of a player hitting the "jackpot" 20 numbers from 20 chosen is approximately 1 in 3.5 quintillion (1 in 3,535,316,142,212,180,000 to the exact).[7] If every person who ever inhabited planet Earth played one keno game every single second of their lives, there would be about one jackpot-winning ticket to date. If all these possible keno tickets were laid end to end, they would span the Milky Way galaxy -- and only one of them would be a winner He figures summiting is just a luck game, and Kip knows luck
  20. EWolfe

    Gear On ebay

    It's all about keepin' it in the community, Kane. Local is for buying, global is for thinking? Edit: I don't know the difference between a Ramer plate and a Dynafit brake.
  21. Justin, accept Jesus as your personal savior and you will find the Orange wall.
  22. You have to be hanging out at Basecamp to get props for that.
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