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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Not if you're coming to Canada. She's done it!!! Scofflaw!
  2. Damn that Sendbot Tim! Ex-Pats, whaddya do. Europe must be more worthy of saving.
  3. Trust me, she's got it dialed. Nary a stray cheeto enters the sanctuary of Sherri's body! Microwave? Hmmm... I'm not seeing that work - Cheetos!
  4. re-register, yet again, is the obvious solution.
  5. Shhhh! We're not supposed to reveal too much!
  6. ..look out for the gapers!
  7. At least you could dance, right? Have some fun?
  8. Do they still have that books-on-8-track deal going at the J? That was sweet.
  9. EWolfe


    nice new avatar pic, Kat
  10. Dammit! I am SOO out of the loop now.
  11. lol. The "trad .vs sport.vs bouldering .vs via feratta .vs sport rappelling .vs hiking .vs ad nauseum" troll.
  12. Welcome to the world of 18 wheels, bad posture, and large waistlines!
  13. The "I hate my co-workers" troll The shitty/overdue guidebook Troll The Angry Alaskan/Minnesotan Troll
  14. EWolfe

    So Stoked!

    Me too! I leave for SushiFest in St George, Utah tomorrow morning! 60 Supertopians are getting together for 5 days of feasting, climbing and blowing shit up. :moondance:
  15. EWolfe


    If you all are robots, why can't someone summarize all of the "predictable" responses into one post?
  16. Davey Crockett helmet
  17. Riding your Tauntaun will turn heads, too
  18. It's the Social Security that's the Rub.
  19. If you don't wash your laderhosen, you will smell like manly hiker. This place is a veritable fount of good information!
  20. If you leave your tags on your new equipment when you train at Greenlake, chicks dig that.
  21. There. That's better.
  22. I am only posting this cuz I'm bored:
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