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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    Overdo it

    Men interested in their partners will have most likely read this and other references. The Taoists have multiple levels of "signals" similar but more exacting in the delicate unfolding of the female orgasm.
  2. EWolfe

    Overdo it

    dood on some days if it takes 10 moves to get from rack to clit i am over it by the time you get there. don't bore me with your pedestrian forplay;) Speaking of Now THATS some talk from a woman who could steal my heart!
  3. Please advise, as teh wastelands of midwest have dusted me out.
  4. Hmmm...did someone say Superfoods? A tablespoon a day for the last 10 years! :moondance:
  5. Rich likes to reach out to young boys, does that count?
  6. EWolfe

    Overdo it

    are you trying to tell me you have never noticed the difference between a clit that is stimulated and engorged and one that is not? I just wanted you to stimulate me with what we both know. Thanks, my keypad is sticky for some reason...
  7. There was some shizzle i scrubbed the fuck out of off the railroad tracks at Index years ago. Tons of work. Way to go get sum.
  8. I'll burn your mopeddin' ass so fast. dirtbikes for dirtbags!!!!
  9. EWolfe

    Overdo it

    Sooo...exactly how does that happen to a woman? Pics? TR?
  10. EWolfe

    Spray spam

    Spam is how you get "Spackle Ass" apparently... but the face! Oy Vey.
  11. EWolfe

    Overdo it

    Your title should be the fat rack kid!
  12. Happy Birthday, Billy! Have a blast at ski-in! Erik
  13. Nice work Kix. Keepin' the spirit alive!
  14. EWolfe

    Women pilots

    You certainly get my smarty panting!
  15. EWolfe

    I_like_To rant

    Ranting is way stress-relieving you people are good at it!
  16. Personal sauna? :ooo: skull
  17. Thanks, Kix. BB: Yes, we all know that you are the master of the "secret" crags. My reference was to the ones we all know. Enjoy your solidarity while it lasts, don't be bitter when it is no more.
  19. EWolfe

    Baby Hedgehog

    For furries like Oly, there is no "trouble" with tribbles 8D
  20. EWolfe

    Baby Hedgehog

    We here at BHDF (Baby Hedgehog Defense Fund) find your popsicle analogy offensive. Moderators, please delete this indirect edibility reference.
  21. Rode ATV's for a mile each way into world-class limestone in Utah. Fell off 5.12's for 3 days in perfect weather. Sucking is cool.
  22. Yes, he must have been "free soloing", haha laugh at the stupid reporters for calling it "free climbing". :rolleyes: Get some manners, a kid got hurt. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  23. check out this sequins:
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