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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. That's it. I am going over there to have a few choice words. I look forward to being banned! Let's see how long this lasts.
  2. Hey! That bastard stole my photoshopped Beckey!!! :anger: Why, I oughta....
  3. Great. Now I need to get a grievous headwound to grow my hair back. "Top and front trauma for me, please."
  4. EWolfe

    Cat killer

    I was expecting bad things - my heart was racing - but it never came. I was relieved, but somehow disappointed at the same time...
  5. Underworld, as Russ stated, you pretty much shot yourself in the foot with your subject line. You expected a call back after that? Bwahahaha!!!
  6. EWolfe

    Le Parkour

    No, I mean Free Running! Edit: Stinky, were you being silly?
  8. She got a sticky! Blasting the locals after the honor of "sticky" must be a real slap. Stay tuned for breaking news. Something Is Happening!!!!
  9. Damn! I thought this one had Allison written all over it!!! chat, chat, chat Need a little help here....
  10. EWolfe

    Le Parkour

    It's now called "Free Running" in the states. "Traceur" is sooo much cooler sounding.
  11. Oh, and be sure to post the link for us with popcorn!!
  12. Now who is going to go slam Allison on NWHikers? Someone who is REGISTERED there, that's who! ;)
  13. This is good stuff. Reminds me of the UKClimber Invasion by us...
  14. EWolfe

    Le Parkour

    Bump. Another: SAMAr8y-Vtw
  15. You should post this over on Supertopo. It would probably sell there. Erik
  16. EWolfe

    Overdo it

    YAY i like being right and smart about something I've read some of the Tao, and after today's disscussion I want to read more!!! Try "The Tao of Health Sex and Longevity" for a digestible overview of theory and practice. Erik
  17. Not very nice! Moderator!!!! ...oh, wait, Nevermind.
  18. EWolfe

    Overdo it

    The Taoist practice of withholding physical ejaculation is reported to induce multiple non-ejaculatory orgasms. After much practice, years ago, I had it happen. Once. The idea is that the male penis is basically a sponge, and by not ejaculating, one not only retains their own potency, but also through the sponge, absorbs balancing female energy. Cunnilingus achieves the same female absorbtion, but with a reduced level of excited/recirculated Male Qi. Class dismissed.
  19. what's the lyric? "she don't eat meat but she sure likes the bone" Whoops! A ate my Trip Report
  20. EWolfe

    Overdo it

    Look! They're having Howard for breakfast!!!
  21. EWolfe

    Overdo it

    "Yeah, that looks like part of my rock gear. I'm thinkin' I need to start selling some of it." _________________________ OOO!!! Someone has just whipped out their gear in the frenzy LMAO
  22. You guys wouldn't believe the emergency bivi here. I wish to be the meat in this alpine sandwich! Yowza!
  23. STFU. Pebble wrestling is the shiz. RE: Gill, Murray, Stretch.
  24. EWolfe

    Overdo it

    The bounciness of this thread is great! Happy Tigger Erik
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