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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Think of yourself as a madly-skilled hardwoman who eats young ropeguns for breakfast and still gets home for thing 1 and 2? Hope that helps! lighter-erik
  2. Ah. We thought we were living the alternative lifestyle as "climbers"
  3. EWolfe

    Baby Hedgehog

    Shouldn't this be in the "newbies" advice column?
  4. Does he get a "Sport Eye For a Trad Guy" makeover?
  5. Cripes, Meng. This whole f'in' thread is the shiz: YOSEMITE WAYBACK MADNESS!
  6. The cake DOES sound yummy. As you were.
  7. It's nature, not nurture...
  8. Metrosexuals are Soooo complex: "And as she sits upon her place Her innocence laid on her face From all atop the parapets blow a multitude of coronets Melodies rhapsodical and fair And all our hearts afire The sky ablaze with cannon fire We all raise our voices to the air To the air... And above all this falderal On a bed made of chaparral She is laid, a coronal placed on her brow And the babe, all in slumber dreams Of a place filled with quiet streams And the lake where her cradle was pulled from the water And we'll all come praise the infanta"
  9. I am patenting that dot-return, so don't anybody else use it! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cuz I'm Rick James, Bitch! (locker ST, thanks)
  10. Jesus, Blake. There are a million references and sites out there, and you bring THIS? please discontinue this madness, and let's stick to Off Topics more reasonably related to us outdoorsy types... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . like politics, poop, unfairness and other social issues :wave:E
  11. To answer your question, Kevbone: What just went down the old intrawebs pike is "The Best" sickie
  12. but me and my just can't help ourselves 21 pounds off since November! Solid 160 now.
  13. EWolfe


    Set...pick...roll...score! by Blowboarder!
  14. It's good to have you back, now wheres that "Umffy toe Engslih" dictionary??" **BIG HUG** to you too
  15. EWolfe


    Nice recovery. lol.
  16. That is so awesome Shelly. Exactly how my smarter, non-spraying Taoist self reminds me regularly to be. Thanks. You are a Queen! Erik
  18. NOW I think we have a winner! All the Mountaineer 10 essentials...check Lack of appropriate elements...check Shorts over Polypro...check Goofy Joyous N00b smile...check Gaiters...check It's all there, Folks. :tup:
  19. Unless Layton's doing keg stands , then nobody sleeps. You just pass out eventually. baa
  20. EWolfe

    Mind Fuck

    A thread was locked just for you, Dude! How are things in the world of dishonesty, mistrust and fear?
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