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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. What do you think about the M.O.A.B.? U.S. to test massive bomb Designed for use in 'psychological operations' From Barbara Starr CNN Washington Bureau Tuesday, March 11, 2003 Posted: 2:10 PM EST (1910 GMT) Pentagon officials say the Massive Ordnance Air Blast, or MOAB, carries 18,000 pounds of tritonal explosives. WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Officials of the U.S. Air Force say they hope that a Tuesday test of a new 21,000-pound bomb will pave the way for its use in Iraq against critical targets on the surface and underground. The final test of the new Massive Ordnance Air Blast, or MOAB, will for the first time include the use of the actual explosives. Two previously undisclosed tests, one in February and one on Friday, were inert. The Air Force may release video of the final test, in hopes of placing additional pressure on the Iraqi military. The Tuesday test was expected to generate so much noise at the Eglin Air Force Base test site that nearby residents were warned in advance. A 10,000-foot cloud is expected to result. MOAB, privately known in military circles as "the mother of all bombs," has been under development since late last year. The bomb carries 18,000 pounds of tritonal explosives, which have an indefinite shelf life. It replaces the Vietnam-era "Daisy Cutter," a 15,000-pound bomb with 12,600 pounds of the less-powerful GSX explosives. As originally conceived, the MOAB was to be used against large formations of troops and equipment or hardened above-ground bunkers. The target set has also been expanded to include deeply buried targets. But military officials tell CNN that the MOAB is mainly conceived as a weapon employed for "psychological operations." Officials say they hope it will create such a huge blast that it will rattle Iraq troops and pressure them into surrendering or not even fighting. Officials suggest perhaps the Iraqis might even mistake a MOAB blast for a nuclear detonation. The MOAB is deployed on a pallet from a C-130 aircraft. It initially has a parachute, but as it deploys, the Inertial Navigation System and Global Positioning System take over. The bomb also has wings and grid fins for guidance. http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/03/11/sprj.irq.moab/index.html
  2. The guy on the right looks like he's about to hurl.
  3. Isn't it like two, eight hour days of work to get the pass? That comes out to somewhere under 2.50 an hour which is far, far less than the hourly wages of the people our taxes are already paying to perform the same tasks!
  4. Well this is the heighth of suckiness when you have to make a thread to advertise another thread. Catbird, you suck.
  5. No. I'm sticking to roads and meadows where I might be able to run over a skier or three. By the way, you're bummin' my trip wishing death on me and such.
  6. Newtips I applaud you for hearing us out and possibly making a story of our issues with fees, but I'm skeptical about what a local news program could do for an issue that has been covered by any number of local newspapers with no results. Many of us here have written to legislators protesting the fee, and Some of have protested in court to no avail. I'm thinking the best thing for us is if you were to take all the arguments against fee demo and somehow get promoted to 60 Minutes or some such to reach a national audience. You could always do another story on Erden...
  7. vegetablebelay


    You can almost see the echo, echo, echo, ech..
  8. Enough of this, it's time to bomb saddam!
  9. But the victors may not get the spoils..... Cash Distribution The cash paid by the Defendants, after the payment of attorneys' fees, litigation and Settlement administration costs, shall be distributed to consumers who purchased Music Products. The number of claims filed will determine the actual amount of the individual refund but will not exceed $20.00 per claimant. If the number of claims filed would result in refunds of less than $5.00 per claimant, there will be no cash distribution to individual consumers. Rather, the cash portion of the Settlement shall be distributed to not-for-profit, charitable, governmental or public entities to be used for music-related purposes or programs for the benefit of consumers who purchased Music Products.
  10. I saw the trailhead break-in report. It mentioned break-ins along the I-90 and US 2 corridors as being very prevalent despite some arrests. It was good in that it showed hikers of all sorts were being hit and not just climbers, but I was sorry that the Exit 38 specifics weren't mentioned at all.
  11. You sure it's not lavender ice?
  12. Setbacks indeed. Some British 'Human Shields' Flee Iraq Sunday, March 02, 2003 LONDON — Some of the peace activists who went to Iraq to serve as human shields in the event of war returned home, fearing for their safety, a spokesman said Sunday. The human shields are mostly European activists who drove from London to Baghdad in two double-decker buses last month, intending to guard civilian sites from a U.S.-led military attack. Those who returned home had safety or financial concerns, spokesman Christiaan Briggs said. "The aim was always a mass migration and if we had had five to ten thousand people here there would never be a war," he said. "We do not have those numbers." The Sunday Telegraph newspaper reported that nine of the 11 British human shields in the bus convoy had left Baghdad. Briggs said about a dozen Britons remained in Iraq alongside several dozens from other countries. He told Britain's Press Association news agency that Iraq limited the sites that human shields could visit. "Now we are being told we cannot go to certain sites, such as hospitals, so we are reassessing our strategy," he said. U.S. officials have said that it is a war crime to use civilians as human shields and that there's no way of guaranteeing their safety. On Friday, the head of Sweden's largest peace organization urged human shields to leave Iraq, saying they were being used for propaganda purposes by Saddam Hussein. Maria Ermanno, chairwoman of the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society, cited reports that Iraqi officials were arranging transportation, accommodations and news conferences for the human shields. "To go down to Iraq and live and act there on the regime's expense, then you're supporting a terrible dictator. I think that method is entirely wrong," Ermanno told Swedish Radio. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,80019,00.html
  13. Somewhere out there is a leftover box of Team Harsh Realm shirts.
  14. And after the Sloop you only have to crawl like what, a mile to the next one?
  15. Certainly member #2689 - Letko Andropoff could teach him a few things too.
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