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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. They could never compete with this gang.
  2. Lawmakers Seek National Day of Prayer and Fasting Wednesday, March 26, 2003 WASHINGTON — Harking back to the Revolutionary and Civil wars, the House is talking about a national day of humility, prayer and fasting to seek guidance from God during a time of war and terrorism. A vote on urging President Bush to designate such a day was expected later in the week. "It is a resolution that I think all of us can support with humility and grace and our love for our great nation," Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn., said Wednesday. But several lawmakers were less sure. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, an opponent of the war in Iraq, said, "This resolution may be seen by some as an attempt to inject religion into this war at a time when some of America's enemies abroad are asserting that this indeed is a war about religion." Rep. Ted Strickland, D-Ohio, said he supported the resolution but was "a little troubled that we would presume to tell the American people what they should do to secure the blessings and protection of Providence." But Rep. Todd Akin, R-Mo., chief sponsor of the measure, said it has long been America's way, "when we get into an armed conflict, to turn to God and to ask his support." The resolution notes that the Continental Congress, on March 16, 1776, called for a day of "humiliation, fasting and prayer" in light of the dangers to American liberty, and that on March 30, 1863, Abraham Lincoln, "recognizing the need of the nation to humble itself before God in repentance for its national sins, proclaimed a day of fasting, prayer and humiliation." The resolution says Americans should use the day of prayer "to seek guidance from God to achieve a greater understanding of our own failings and to learn how we can do better in our everyday activities, and to gain resolve in meeting the challenges that confront our nation." The Senate approved a similar resolution last week, stating that it was the sense of the Senate that March 17 should be a national day of prayer and fasting. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,82259,00.html
  3. Well one good thing is that the French have said they'll get involved if Iraq starts using chemcial weapons.
  4. From the Vancouver Sun?!?!?!?!
  5. That fuck Jim McDermott got his balls busted yesterday by a group of pro-troop demonstrators chanting, USA! USA! while he was speaking. He got a little unraveled responding to them. Very brief mention of it here.
  6. Indeed. It will be the biggest crow feast you've ever seen.
  7. Meanwhile, several news agencies are reporting that the Shiite citizens in Basra are uprising against Iragi military there. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,82098,00.html
  8. Is that the famous, "I know you are, but what am I?" comeback Erik?
  9. Iain, I wish you'd change your picture so I don't immediately dismiss your posts as empty headed.
  10. Not to mention the estimated 1 million it cost Seattle to keep peace at the protests last week!
  11. I think you've been watching too much Iraqi tv.
  12. Nobody will probably believe this either: 03/21 3:43P (DJ)+DJ Commander Of Iraqi 51st Division, Deputy Surrender-NYT Story 6079 DJ Iraq 51st Division/Surrender -2: Unit Regular Army NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--The commander of Iraq's 51st division and his top deputy surrendered to U.S. Marine forces Friday, The New York Times reports on its Web site, citing U.S. military officials. According to the report, it was the first time that the commander of an Iraqi division has surrendered to allied forces in Operation Iraqi Freedom. The 51st is a regular army unit that was deployed in southern Iraq directly in the path of the U.S.-led invasion. U.S. forces made a determined effort to persuade the 51st division to surrender, including leaflets and propaganda broadcasts. The leaflets instructed Iraqi forces that didn't want to fight to park their tanks in a square formation and walk at least half a mile from their tanks, the report said. The paper cited U.S. officials as saying that many of the soldiers of the 51st had simply left their posts and that the division melted away. (END) Dow Jones Newswires 03-21-03 1557ET
  13. We could ship him to Canada and finish him off in that invasion.
  14. And imagine that - started by Erik!
  15. Saddam is most likely enjoying the company of the devil right now.
  16. You Cannucks are too funny. Maybe there isn't really a war going on at all!?!?!?
  17. 03/20 6:55P (DJ)DJ Iraqis Appear To Have Fired Banned Missiles At US Troops NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--The very missiles Saddam Hussein fired at U.S. forces in Kuwait appear to have been the same weapons he either claimed not to possess or agreed to destroy. U.S., U.K. and Kuwait military officials said Iraq fired at least three missiles Thursday - though they differed on how many of them were Scuds. The first salvos were both a telling sign of Iraq's hidden weapons and a frightening reminder that Saddam still has the capability to deliver chemical or biological warheads. The uncertainty surrounding Iraq's potentially deadly arsenal led U.S. troops and Kuwaiti citizens to pull out their gas masks and protective suits when air raid sirens alerted them three times Thursday that missiles were incoming. Kuwaiti officials said the first two were Scuds, similar to the ones the Iraqis fired in the 1991 Gulf War. The Pentagon described the two as "tactical ballistic missiles" that were intercepted and destroyed by the PAC-3 Patriot anti-missile system as they flew toward the Kuwaiti sky at midday Thursday. A third missile, described by Kuwaiti military officials as the Iraqi Al Samoud, broke in two and fell near the Kuwaiti border. Iraq told U.N. inspectors in its December weapons declaration, a copy of which was shown to an AP reporter, that it no longer had the Scud missiles it used against Iran in the 1980s and against Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Israel during the 1991 Gulf War. At the end of that war, weapons inspectors accounted for all but two Scuds the Iraqis claimed to have had. But the inspectors believed Iraq could have been hiding more of the long-range missiles, U.N. officials said. Scuds have an average range of 188 miles and the Iraqis also modified some to fly up to 375 miles. U.N. resolutions passed after the Gulf War banned Iraq from having chemical, biological or nuclear weapons and long-range missiles that flew more than 93 miles. Despite that prohibition and Iraqi claims of compliance, years of concealment became evident when Iraq admitted in 1995 that it had weaponized biological agents such as anthrax, sarin, mustard gas and botulinum toxin and even managed to fill warheads with some of the agents. In written reports obtained by AP, the Iraqis told inspectors they decided not to fire those weapons during the Gulf War because they believed it would bring on a nuclear attack by the U.S. Today, the Iraqis maintain they have destroyed all of their weapons of mass destruction. But inspectors have been unable to verify the claims and the U.S. and Britain remain convinced that Iraq not only has chemical and biological weapons but is producing more. According to Pentagon officials, Iraq fired a missile Thursday toward Kuwait City at approximately 12:24 p.m., followed by a second one at 1:30 p.m. On Kuwaiti television, military spokesman Col. Youssef al-Mullah said one of the Scuds was shot down by three Patriot missiles. British officials reported a slightly different version of events. Lt. Col. Ronnie McCourt, a British spokesman at Camp As Sayliyah, identified just one of the missiles as a Scud. Al-Mullah described the third missile as an Al Samoud. Three and a half months ago, Iraq did declare its Al Samoud missile system, which inspectors later ordered destroyed after test flights indicated the missile had flown slightly farther than a 93-mile range limit. The Iraqis complied with the order, and chief inspector Hans Blix reported that about 70 of the missiles had been destroyed, leaving approximately 30 in the Iraqi arsenal. (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  18. Actually, France is hardly taking a peaceful stance. On the contrary - which one do you think takes the bigger balls, to go up against Iraq or the US? You're being silly now.
  19. And look what France's peaceful stance is getting them! France: Ricin Traces Found in Paris Railway Thu March 20, 2003 04:25 PM ET PARIS (Reuters) - The French Interior Ministry said on Thursday that traces of the deadly toxin ricin have been found in the Gare de Lyon railway station in Paris. A spokesman told Reuters that two small flasks containing traces of the poison were discovered in a left luggage depot at the mainline railway station which serves the south of France. In January, British anti-terrorist police arrested several people in connection with the alleged discovery of ricin in a tiny north London flat. Ricin, one of the deadliest naturally occurring poisons, is derived from castor plant beans, which are grown worldwide to produce castor oil. The chemical, which is many times more deadly than cyanide, is considered a likely bio-warfare agent and is on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's "B" list of agents -- considered a moderate threat. http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=3SOBNECOV3BSYCRBAE0CFFA?type=worldNews&storyID=2418939
  20. Necro, please throw yourself off of a bridge in protest, please.
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