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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. Ok, I'll play. No war on IRAQ.
  2. But he keeps tying so hard to prove otherwise!
  3. And what DFA thread would be complete without a little
  4. Certainly noone would complain if Muir on Saturday were unlocked and resuscitated.
  5. A group of protestors blocked Eastbound traffic on 520 this morning. Fuckers.
  6. Well, no but WTO marches were anti-government/policy and anarchists were happy to party there. Peace (anti-war) protests are similarly anti-policy (and perhaps anti-government) and could easily warrant anarchist attendance.
  7. Well if a few of your Oregon anarchists show up as they have for other rallies, you may just have your eyes opened up for you.
  8. vegetablebelay


    I don't have to be going to have an opinion on this. People expect me to do the job I'm paid for. We have a volunteer army that is the military arm of the United States in which I'm a taxpayer. My opinion is as valid as any. Now that I think about it, apply your question to firefighters or the police or anyone who has to put their life on the line for any of us.
  9. vegetablebelay


    Me No, not really.
  10. Where does Marek fit into all of this? I thought you climbed with Mark....
  11. Hold on there comrade, wasn't your pitch to Rudy to give his holds away for the betterment of others?
  12. I see them fine. Nice, by the way.
  13. And I wish we could see just what is over the top in that last one! Thanks David!
  14. heehee http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB10&Number=71915&page=5&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1
  15. This would be a better way to protest. Take Dave Schuldt with you!
  16. And that shit goes on like, everyday!
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