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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. We used a VE-25 and it was great for 2 people plus gear and decent 3 plus gear. Good interior height to sit up and it's got a great big vestibule for cooking. Very sturdy tent.
  2. Catturd you should go out and protest. Apparent Protester Dies in Golden Gate Bridge Leap Wed March 19, 2003 05:19 PM ET SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A man who may have been protesting the looming U.S. war on Iraq plunged to his death from San Francisco's famed Golden Gate Bridge on Wednesday, officials said. The unidentified man, who handed authorities a statement before jumping, survived the initial fall into the frigid San Francisco Bay but died soon after Coast Guard rescuers scooped him up and rushed him to shore for treatment, police said. "He jumped, he wasn't pushed," said California Highway Patrol spokesman Wayne Ziese, who called the death a suicide. "Apparently he had a statement to give to police and jumped." Authorities had initially said the man slipped or jumped while hanging a banner on one of the bridge towers protesting a U.S. war on Iraq. But U.S. Coast Guard Chief Petty Dan Brophy later said rescue workers so far had not found the banner indicating the man was a protester. Either way, the soaring span connecting San Francisco and the Marin Headlands represents one of the top spots in the nation for suicides. Out of the 1,000 people who have jumped off the 225 foot- (69 meter-) span only about 15 have survived. Anti-war sentiment is strong in the San Francisco Bay Area, where tens of thousands of protesters marched last weekend to rally against military action. The death of the man in his 30s, however, would be the first related to the latest protests over the U.S.-led war against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=2410058
  3. I think if you haven't educated yourself on the issues in the last 5 months, we're not going to spend the time doing it for you now.
  4. And just imagine them liberated and free!
  5. There are reports that we're already fighting in Basra. http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/waroniraq/articles/3895393?source=Evening%20Standard
  6. Billygoat you better start workin' harder to pay for your share instead of bitchin about it!
  7. The Olympian, Olympia Washington Wednesday, March 19, 2003 Protester picks wrong spot to lock himself Jody Mason of Olympia is locked to the Washington State Grange office building Tuesday to protest war. He intended to chain himself to a federal Department of Energy office building, but discovered he was at the wrong location. Mike Salsbury/The Olympian OLYMPIA -- A man spent hours chained to the wrong building Tuesday in an ill-planned effort to protest war with Iraq, police said. Jody Mason padlocked himself to an entrance of the Washington State Grange building at 924 Capitol Way S., thinking it was a sub-office of the U.S. Department of Energy. Grange employees found him about 11:45 a.m. Tuesday and asked what he was doing. He told employees he'd chained himself to the building in civil disobedience Monday night after listening to President Bush's televised ultimatum to Saddam Hussein. Mason padlocked one end of the chain around his neck and the other to a door, which opens to a bottom-floor office. He told onlookers he was protesting Bush's foreign and domestic policies. He had affixed a sign to the building reading, "Reduce Deficit." Grange employees explained that he was at the wrong building. The Grange is a nonprofit, nonpartisan group that advocates for residents in rural areas. "I don't think that's ever happened before," said Larry Clark, Grange communications director. No charges Police officers used heavy-duty bolt cutters to free Mason. "He asked for help because he didn't have the key," Olympia police Cmdr. Steve Nelson said. Mason wasn't arrested and won't face any charges. Officers let him go and didn't take his name, Nelson said. "He was our first protester since President Bush's speech," Nelson said. Mason, who identified himself to a photographer, said he had looked up the Department of Energy in the phone book. The phone book, under the Department of Energy, lists a Bonneville Power Administration Office at 924 Capitol Way S. http://www.theolympian.com/home/news/20030319/frontpage/23705.shtml?
  8. I think trask is right stop your whinning and support our pres and troops is what needs to be done because bitching isn't going to help Exactly.
  9. From 14 we did a carry up to 16,2 and cached some fuel. When we moved up to 17 we took a 3 day supply and if we got stuck up there due to weather or whatever, we'd only have to go back down the ridge to get more fuel.
  10. vegetablebelay


    I think when it's over he's going to Disneyland! Sunday March 9, 9:14 PM Saddam's diamond-buying spree suggests he may flee: Report London, Mar 9 (ANI): Saddam Hussein's personal jeweller has been in Thailand on a secret mission to buy millions of dollars' worth of diamonds, according to a report in The Sunday Times. The trip has prompted speculation that the Iraqi leader may be planning to flee or to send his family into hiding. Quoting "sources with knowledge of the trip", the report says the jeweller travelled to Bangkok via Jordan and bought the diamonds in the Thai capital in a pre-arranged deal. This was his second trip, Saddam's son Uday having sent him there three months ago to buy a ring from an American dealer for 750,000 dollars, the report adds. Saddam has been a perennial member of Forbes magazine's list of the world's richest people. Before the 1991 Gulf War he was said to be worth 10 billion dollars, but that estimate has now been reduced to 2 billion dollars, following sanctions imposed by the United Nations on Iraq. Since the Gulf War he has not left the country, and only a week ago he declared in a defiant address that he would never desert in the event of war. But if, as reported, he is converting some of his fortune into jewels that can be transported easily, he may not mean what he says. (ANI) http://in.news.yahoo.com/030309/139/22017.html
  11. vegetablebelay


    And Heywood Jablowme?...
  12. I think we're all still waiting for your 1% Dalius...
  13. Maybe he's saying you aren't a woman?
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