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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. Sorry to step on your toes DFA - NEVERMIND CATTURD!
  2. Catturd you also need to keep your lips off of DFA's butt.
  3. Just starting to see these on bumpers around town:
  4. WOW! Thanks for showing up here just to tell us about it!
  5. And pack your sidearm locked and loaded at all times..
  6. Plane Quarantined at San Jose Airport Tuesday, April 01, 2003 SAN JOSE, Calif. — An American Airlines flight from Tokyo was quarantined on the tarmac Tuesday at San Jose's airport after five people on board complained of symptoms like those reported from the mysterious flu-like illness spreading through Asia, health officials said. Two passengers and two crew members, plus a fifth unidentified person, complained of symptoms similar to those found in severe acute respiratory syndrome -- which has afflicted hundreds in Hong Kong and killed at least 64 people worldwide. It was not immediately clear when the people became ill, only that they reported to the crew during the flight that they "think they may have SARS," said Joy Alexiou, a spokeswoman for the Santa Clara County Public Health Department. Alexiou added that "we're pretty sure four of the five tranferred from Hong Kong to Tokyo." Flight 128 from Tokyo to Mineta San Jose International Airport stopped on the tarmac short of the gate mid-morning Tuesday, and ambulances lined up near the plane as the 125 passengers and 14 crew members waited on board after the nine-hour flight. American Airlines notified the airport that help was needed after "the captain was informed of a passenger needing medical assistance," said Todd Burke, a spokesman for the airline. More than 1,600 cases of the illness have been reported so far worldwide. Officials say it's unclear whether exposure on a flight is sufficient to infect people. Alexiou said the passengers and crew members who feel sick will be transported to a hospital for chest X-rays and to have their travel history checked before they are classified as suspected cases of SARS. "This thing seems to spread a little easier than first anticipated, so we want to take every precaution," Alexiou said. Others on the plane will be given medical advice and allowed to depart -- but told to immediately contact a doctor if they develop any symptoms, she said. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,82851,00.html
  7. Well Catturd if you're so sure you're going to get it then time's a wastin'! Get your affairs in order and clean your house!
  8. Some guy named Dan - did some kinda record down there, or so I heard... http://www.mounteverest.net/news/newspages/howitt021003.htm
  9. Keep in mind that Scott'didas was doing this from way back on his site.
  10. My personal support of personal differences is ebbing dramatically as another coalition soldier is killed protecting your sorry ass. The time for all that is way over.
  11. Imagine the coils he could drop on your head!
  12. Is that we're dancing around trying to fight a politically correct war and spare all of the civilian casualties. Won't continue for long though....
  13. Actually he's been that way for like 847 post or so...
  14. Can't you just a use a pillow case or something?
  15. vegetablebelay


    Now that you mention it I do believe that Friday is Uday's B'day. Yes he may be gay but it's hard to say if he sways that way.
  16. If he was really lucky, it would drop on your sorry ass.
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