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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. You can get these at www.wsrp.org:
  2. Regurgetated from here from earlier this morning
  3. We carried them until where the trail steepens and we started postholing (about 2/3 of the way). On the way out we were able to ski all the way down to where the trail crosses the river.
  4. Nice skiing yesterday on Surprise Mountain. Freshiez turned to concrete lower down at the end of the day.
  5. Did Devil's Peak and Devil's Thumb last winter. We scrambled Devil's Thumb and didn't use a rope. Pretty exposed at the top, but decent. We did rope up for Devil's Peak, but it's pretty much 4th class.
  6. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/afp/20030407/wl_afp/iraq_war_wmd&cid=1512&ncid=1480
  7. This "smoking gun" is different than the 20 missiles MtnGoat is talking about.
  8. Don't forget, "but they are only medium range missiles...."
  9. HEY VEGGIE THAT IS A CHICKENSHIT COMMENT.... WHEN YOU SHIPPING OUT ANYWAYS??? Fish on! But Erik, you're so small I'll have to throw you back.
  10. Al Jazeera seems to be as anti American as most of you on this board. Check it out.
  11. > BREAKING NEWS President Bush issues executive order adding SARS to list of communicable diseases for which a person can be quarantined. Details to come. http://www.cnn.com
  12. Wait....but j_b said...
  13. vegetablebelay


    Body double experts?
  14. vegetablebelay


    He is reportedly on Iraqi TV right now mentioning current events. Maybe it's one of his doubles.
  15. To SC......may DFA and Necro follow him out the door.
  16. Sounds like Dan was picked on as a nerdy little kid.
  17. I just got done applying my rat poison slurry up there - what's wd40 gonna do besides add a flammable element to the top of my chimney?
  18. I would have to imagine that their employer wouldn't be so happy about their name being used on this site. A lot of their posts weren't necessarily about getting some news.
  19. I have been getting a visit from a woodpecker every morning around 6:30 or 7:00. He sits up on top of my metal chimney and hammers away at the top of the chimney. The resonating chimney and fireplace roars through my house. He is quite wiley and takes off whenever I open the door to get a shot at him with the bb gun. He also takes off if I light a piece of newspaper and smoke him out but I don't want to get up in the morning to make a fire anymore. Suggestions?
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