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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. DPS, Didn't you see my winky guy? The thread discussing rescue costs is called, "Access Fund Vertical Times Denali". I know they don't use big fishing nets at the bottom of a river to rescue canyoneers. It must be something closer to big fishing poles with big treble hooks. Your point is well taken though. Vegetablebelay
  2. I think you'd have to admit that it costs more to send people up a mountain to rescue someone than it does to wait at the bottom of a river with a big fishing net! Vegetablebelay
  3. Stefan, I don't know you either....oh, wait yes I do- I'll see you this weekend... I think you are on the right track with the Coast Guard, but I can't absolutely confirm that a fisherman in AK (or his estate) is not being charged for the massive search efforts that may be required for his rescue. I can say for certain that I'm not charged for my local police and fire department - even if my house is burning from extremely negligent causes like when my meth lab blows up, or I fall asleep smoking in bed. Vegetablebelay
  4. Backcountry, Wow 5:45 - you snowmobilers get up early! Thanks for the reply - I didn't know about the ORV pass. As far as the parking situation goes, let me get this straight. You would like your truck (8-10 feet), your trailer (another 10 feet), and then an additional 8 feet? Forget two Snowpark passes, I think you need three! On the lack of licenses or other distinguishing marks on snowmobiles, you're point is taken - it basically is guilty until proven innocent. Wouldn't you agree though that if the anonymity of riding snowmobiles was somewhat removed, riders would stay within their boundaries and adhere to the rules either written or implied? I most agree with your last point which was about saving the land for us, not from us. I don't think either user group is going away, so we'll eventually have to figure how to get along. Vegetablebelay
  5. Ok, sorry to hog the podium, but here's one for Backcountry. Backcountry, you're comparison of abuse in the backcountry neglects to detail the abuse of your engines and tread on the environment compared to that of a climber. The un (or lightly) muffled engines and the tread of the snowmobiles harm the wildlife (with noise and exhaust), the soil (with the tread and compacting of soil - recently mentioned in the clearing of the North Cascades Highway if you check their site), and the plants and trees (with the exhaust and the tread running over downed brush). You cannot compare this with a bolt or a sling. As far as your Snowpark infringements, a climber or skiier pays (in theory) for the same Snowpark pass that a snowmobiler with a motorhome, or SUV (always with a large trailer attached) that you do. If you feel that you need more than one parking spot for a fifty dollar fee (required in several or our local snowparks), than perhaps you should plan on buying an additional pass. You take up more room in the parking areas, and (my bad if I'm incorrect) you aren't paying any additional fees or licenses to drive your machines in the backcountry. It was interesting in the related story about the jet ski vs kayak incident earlier. If that sh*& went down with a snowmobile here, there are no licenses or other identifying marks on snowmobiles to identify those who commit the infractions. A victim of such an offense would be pretty much S.O.L. Vegetablebelay doesn't like the snowmobile lobby.
  6. "Or the many times I have wanted to take a picture of a wonderful snow slope or rock face only to find it spoiled by a climber in the midst of it" Tomrogers you are either an idiot or you're attempting to start another thread on the Spray category. You sound like a recent fellow who tried to drop some knowledge without saying anything. Vegetablebelay (you better recognize) [This message has been edited by vegetablebelay (edited 04-16-2001).]
  7. vegetablebelay

    just some guy

    My cat's breath smells like cat food.
  8. vegetablebelay

    just some guy

    Alex and Retro, Was my reply ok? How would you have replied? Vegetablebelay
  9. Ok, well...Thursday the 12th is the last day to send in your comment - that's tomorrow. Just wanted to keep the topic on top of the pops for one more day... A humble Vegetablebelay
  10. vegetablebelay

    just some guy

    Couldn't resist. You've got to be kidding me. Give us some of your specific complaints about Seattle, society, and how this website is contributing to the demise of both. You typed a lot of letters, but didn't say anything. Now go plant a tree...and brush your teeth. Vegetablebelay is in the hizzouse.
  11. Ok, I mailed mine. This looks like a simple and efficient way to make your voice heard by someone with his finger on the button. At least it should be more effective than just getting each other riled up! I stole some of your ideas Smoker, and some of yours too Forrest. Vegetablebelay
  12. Look at another user group for a different hobby: A relative of mine is a boater. He has a large sailboat that he had to move from Lake Washington out to Puget Sound. He had to open up the Montlake Cut, the University Bridge, the Fremont Bridge, and the Ballard Bridge, then he went thru the Ballard Locks. Each of these bridges are manned by fulltime "workers" and the Ballard Locks must employ more than a few people. Now, how many times a day does the f*&^%ng Fremont Bridge open up, and how much does a boater pay for a system that requires so many resources (salaries, maintenance, energy)? The answer is nothing. I think we are being taken advantage of. Don't somebody come on here to tell me this is somehow different or extreme. Vegetablebelay
  13. What do you mean just lie? This fall I received a "Notice To Appear" in Yakima court, issued by some governmental body in San Antonio, TX after I failed to respond to three different requests for me to pay my fine or buy a pass. I didn't want a warrant out for me, and I didn't want to drive to Yakima (when I called, they told me it would be at least twice) to contest the fee. I was also told when I phoned that even if I went over to contest the fine, the governing body there in Yakima could not judge over whether the fee is just or constitutional - only that it was a ticket I didn't pay. They explained that just because I didn't feel the permit system is just, they couldn't let me off within their jurisdiction. I paid the 50 bucks figuring (hoping) I cost the system more than the 50 I was paying. I still intend to NEVER buy a Trail Park Pass, but I'm hoping I can somehow be more conscious of my alternatives to capitulating to this horrendous injustice to the American People. Oh yeah, I'm capable of some serious civil disobedience over this issue too - you better aks somebody! Vegetablebelay is in the hizzouse. [This message has been edited by vegetablebelay (edited 04-06-2001).]
  14. There is one up on the way to Mount Baker. It's a nice little town - be sure to hit the Italian restaurant.
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