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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. If only that were always the case. Too often they are for hiding nice ones so we can't get a good look. The nice ones, I've found, are often hidden by the long, black or gray wool coats that are ubiquitous between October and June.
  2. Sweaters, or sweatshirts, always tied around waists. They're for hiding the fat asses. And the hiking boots hide the cankles.
  3. I like Seattle, for visiting, but to live there? LLLLAAAMMMEEEE, Portland rules. Really? Why? Or is this just part of your daily regimen of 'truths' you profess without any basis in fact, critical thought, or experience-based insight. I lived in both cities and I can come up with a list of things I loved about both, and I list of things I didn't quite care for in either city. But in the end I think what you're trying to tell us is that in your little sphere of "opinion" that you more likely managed to borrow from others than develop for yourself, someone told you once that Portland is cooler and it stuck.
  4. Where do you get you info? You are full of shit. Hey Arc boy, im talking to you Beyotch! Awww, isn't it cute, it won a fight and now it wants to gloat.
  5. Apparently his lawyer DID, and it didn't WORK, retard.
  6. E-rock


    Are you trying to point out some logical inconsistency, retard?
  7. E-rock


    There hasn't been anyone nearly as annoying, inarticulate, and arrogant as Scott Harpell/Fence-Sitter/Red Monk, or Cracked/Sphinx in a LOOOOOONG time. Welcome Kevboner, we accept your humble self-sacrifice.
  8. E-rock

    Allen Concedes

    Jesus Christ was an only child Went down to the river and he drank and smiled His dad was oh so mad, "Shoulda killed that little fucker, before she even had 'im"
  9. E-rock

    Allen Concedes

    Let's start raising taxes so we can pay crack-heads to have fatherless children!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. It's the amber-hued frothy mixture of water-based lubricant and fecal matter that SOMETIMES but not always accompanies anal sex! It's not SHIT! Shit is just SCAT! It's not Santorum. Santorum is not a verb, you can't Santorum and your dog can't Santorum. A Dirty Sanchez is not performed with Santorum, but rather plain-old, garden-variety SHIT! Your mom farts Santorum (sometimes), your dog leaks Santorum (if you live in the 'Claw), and I HATE SANTORUM! Kapeesh?
  11. What document is that? The bill of rights? I believe that IS part of the Constitution of the United States. Do you mean the Declaration of Independence? It does proclaim certain rights, but it's not an acting legal document.
  12. Scientific information is freely available in internationally published, peer-reviewed journals. Look them up.
  13. Imposing specific religious beliefs on the population at large through legislation constitutes the same thing as establishing a state religion. The only difference is that you haven't openly state which religion it is in written law. Legislation of a set belief structure (codified in law) is exactly what the framers of the constitution were attempting to avoid.
  14. Chuck doesn't win, because RUMMY WAS FIRED!
  15. SUDDENLY, the press is emboldened to ask the president tough questions. Fucking Pussies. Where have they been for the last 6 years?
  16. Montana has been called. Democrats lead by 7000 vote margin in Virginia. By 5 pm today the Democrats will have the Senate.
  17. Star Wars Episodes 1,2, and 3 all tie for the worst. And you can't get any less obscure than that.
  18. There isn't a SINGLE crack that sweet ANYWHERE in the city.
  19. So BLUEBALLZ, let's get this STR8. A buncha sweat-shop-produced cotton rags with unoriginal text, fonts, and logos are slapped together by an east-coast media-whore, and marketed with photos of 27-year-old date-rapist-pedophiles groping girls who haven't fully developed yet because they're still in the waning years of puberty (one of whom HAPPENS to maybe be a climber, and POPULAR, to boot)... AND THEN some lesbians, and hairy, fat west-coast traddies decided to make fun of publicly available materials... and you just HAD to come out of woodwork to shame them all... by name-dropping a skinny, and underdeveloped "athlete" while setting the record straight about how ALL the east coast gym rats look so FUCKING hot at the crags compared to the girls in Seattle??????!!!!!!!!!!........... Now, Who's the ass?
  20. If JayB would learn how to use punctuation, his posts would ALMOST be readable.
  21. Fuck YEAH! Is she single? My fiance's interested too.
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