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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. I had no idea Motorhead and Metallica were homo bands. I feel so unclean now. At least Cyndi Lauper is on the "safe" list. What's funny is that one of her biggest hits, "She Bop" is actually about masturbation, which I'm sure is a pretty Christian no-no. I just bought the new Danielson record, so I'm Clean.
  2. E-rock

    Give up yr DNA!

    I'm pretty sure I understand DNA - at least a lot better than you, apparently. Your attitude is indicative of the typical lay-person who, when confronted with a scenario that at the surface seems counterintuitive or logically flawed, jumps all over the people discussing it, claims they don't know shit, an refuses to educate themselves. Example: "How the hell can we say that people come from monkeys? If that were true and Darwin is right, then why are there still monkeys?" Or an even more obnoxious example, if only because the purveyors tries to PRETEND to be informed: "If evolutionary theory is correct, why isn't the world currently populated with transitional forms?"
  3. E-rock


    Well said, that's the spirit. Well what do you know, crow is aweful tasty afterall. What a noble cause, I'm sure your point has changed many people's minds about themselves, you and this website. Pardon me if I don't quite take these statments at face value for the following reasons: -Your grammar, spelling, and sentence structure suck, indicative of sub-par intellegence (the average IQ is 100, which is really quite dumb). -You're currently responding to a thread that YOU started in order to praise another cc.comer, presumably for the quality of their contribution, since they actually contribute something readable, in contrast to yourself and your lapdog, pink. Like this? Doh! Didn't you see that cc.com has been referenced in the NY Times? I figure I'm more likely to get some editorial space this way rather than actually making submissions. When your wife calls you a premature ejaculator, it's not name-calling, it's an actual problem.
  4. E-rock


    Holy FUCK kevbone, wipe your fucking chin because your brains are leaking through your hare-lip. I can't believe you had the audacity to start a thread devoted to sucking off a poster who got so fucking sick of your tired ass that he just decided not to engage you in sparring matches anymore. Your are so fucking stupid that you don't even realize that every single one of your posts seems expressly conceived only to prove exactly how stupid you are. Take a little bit of advice from myself and others. Post a little less, read a little more, and spend more time with your family, so that someday your boy won't be a fucking mouth-breathing, pointless waste of SPONCH, like you.
  5. E-rock

    Third Strike

    Is not that the entire point of spray? To put it simply, NO. And that, in its essence, is your problem.
  6. Yeah, r yuh? I don't see you posting which should be a pretty good indicator that you aren't but in case I'm mistaken somebody made a yomama joke and I tried making one too and I thought you'd join in cuz I'm lonely.
  7. Whateva, I do what I want. I dont' have time to learn how to spell and rite smarkt and stuff cuz I'ms spending way toom much time outdoors doing climbing stuff and walking up to crags ans spraying to ttotal strangrts abouta ll my big sneds. I have a kid and I don't hav e time to learn stuff like riting becuase I have to be a daddy and that takes a lot of time and energy and prayer to jessus becuase if I kknow one thing it's that I'm not gonna miss out on my kid's childhood by wasting time trying to learns stuf that he should have to learn too. And my wife is like super smart shej's a lwayer and she can teack him all the smarty pants stuff while I teach him all the cool stuff like how to cram the beta for Princely Ambitions down some unsexpecting strangers throat.
  8. Come on….you know you’re the paste and copy king! Just kidding. LOL, J_K, don't get mad at me, we're friends, right? Yeah...right! Now, THAT's FUNNY! LOL, sickie baa You're the BEST kevbone. I love you. You make me laff so mcuh
  9. Come on….you know you’re the paste and copy king! Just kidding. LOL, J_K, don't get mad at me, we're friends, right?
  10. E-rock

    Which first???

    People often cite the criticism that Obama is too young and inexperienced as a reason why he may not receive the party nomination. However, experience in the Senate has not been viewed as a positive qualification. The last Senator elected president was JFK.
  11. E-rock

    U T A H ! ! ! !

    Note to parents in California, Illinois and Texas. If you want your fucked-up preggo teanage daughter to start sorting her shit out and begin making adult decisions, don't send her to some FUCKING MORMON PRISON CAMP WITH NAIVE MOMO COUNELERS WHO ARE JUST BEGGING TO HAVE THEIR MOUTH-BREATHING NOGGINS SMASHED WITH A GRISWOLD!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Shit, I got the answer first!
  13. Anyone have a clue what the last picture could be?
  14. E-rock.....she is soooooooo fucking hot. Just cause the photo sucks does not mean shit. That photo is a lot more revealing than you realize fan-boy. She's old, busted, and diseased.
  15. The first photo is Pam Anderson, who all ya'll happen to think is soooooooooooooo fucking HOT.
  16. Seahawks, why don't you suck a fuck? Exactly how does one suck a fuck? I don't know, best debators (like the valedictorian who was on my high school debate team) can't decide. YOu are the most retarded fuck this website has ever seen. And I'm not saying this to WIN an argument, I'm just saying it to hurt your feelings.
  17. Seahawks I guejss you re right. Best debaters awlays decidel and they can't so who kjows right? I eman I'm just gonna got bakc to reading Harry potter and masterbating to Friends reruns rather than try to actually rap my ehad around something that challenges me. You think I could come over you your house and jiz on your Mom's pillow?
  18. You're attempted pickup did not go unoticed, though you already admitted previously that you don't have hair on the shaft, so I'm not gonna stick around to find out the hard way.
  19. Do you even know these paragraphs, which you cut-and-pasted from the internet, are about? It apppears as though you're trying to present this information as an alternative theory of the Grand Canyon's age, which it is not. This body of research, which happens to have been generated by FRIENDS of mine from the University of Utah, among others, only argues that lava-daming episodes in the Grand Canyon, based on Ar-Ar ages of basalts, and cosmogenic dating of dam-burst deposits were shorter-lived, and more catostrophic, than was originally described in older models based on K-Ar dating and faulty geomorphologic assumptions. This body of research says nothing about the overall age of the Grand Canyon EXCEPT that it had to have existed at the beginning of the Pleistocene (~1.8 Ma) in a state similar to its modern appearance (i.e. it was already a big, deep canyon). Indeed this fact had to be ASSUMED for this research to have even been pursued. P.S. the volcanic crater on Mt. St. Helens is not analogous to a mini Grand Canyon because it was created by an EXPLOSION, duh. Since you need it spelled out to you, topic was how old it was. And since everyone thinks that layer represent millions of year, there are other theories. You can't prove yours and you can't prove mine. You want to call me a dumbshit and and I want to call dumbass. Point is nothing can be proved. Like I said previously let just hope your cocky ass is right. But don't try to tell me that it is absolute becuase that is bullshit and the best debaters in the world can't prove this shit. You have your faith in something and I beleive something else. Laughable part is that you say you have friend who wrote this, lol whoa guess we will beleive you becuase of that. Your a fucking lier. It was written by SCOTT H. RUGG and STEVEN A. AUSTIN. Are they your friends?? no,, suck ass. Are you 15 years old? You just demonstrated that you don't understand what your linked article is about, ONCE AGAIN. Seahawks, what I said, "This body of research, which happens to have been generated by FRIENDS of mine from the University of Utah, among others" holds 100% true. To wit, my friends: Fenton, Cassandra, R. J Poreda, Barbara Nash, Robert Webb, and T. E. Cerling, 2004, Geochemical discrimination of five Pleistocene lava-dam outburst-flood deposits, Grand Canyon. Journal of Geology, 112, 91–110. Fenton, C. R., R. H. Webb, P. A. Pearthree, T. E. Cerling, R. J. Poreda, and B. P. Nash, 2004, Cosmogenic 3He dating of western Grand Canyon basalts: implications for Quaternary incision of the Colorado River. In: Young, R.A., and Spamer, E.E., eds., The Colorado River: Origin and Evolution, Grand Canyon Association Monograph 12, 147–152. Fenton, Cassandra M., Cerling, Thure E., Nash, Barbara P., Webb, Robert, and Poreda, Robert J., 2001, Cosmogenic 3He ages and geochemical discrimination of lava dam outburst-flood deposits in western Grand Canyon, Arizona. In: House, P. K. et al., Ancient Floods, Modern Hazards: Principles and Applications of Paleoflood Hydrology. American Geophysical Union,191-215. Your link is merely to a paper written by some highly-payed "creation scientists" who pirated the the work of others and attempted to place a more jesus-friendly interpretation on the results.
  20. Also, one does not "believe" in science. Good science (which is often foregone in the struggle for funding) requires a LACK of conviction or belief.
  21. Do you even know WHAT these paragraphs, which you cut-and-pasted from the internet, are about? It apppears as though you're trying to present this information as an alternative theory of the Grand Canyon's age, which it is not. This body of research, which happens to have been generated by FRIENDS of mine from the University of Utah, among others, only argues that lava-daming episodes in the Grand Canyon, based on Ar-Ar ages of basalts, and cosmogenic dating of dam-burst deposits were shorter-lived, and more catostrophic, than was originally described in older models based on K-Ar dating and faulty geomorphologic assumptions. This body of research says nothing about the overall age of the Grand Canyon EXCEPT that it had to have existed at the beginning of the Pleistocene (~1.8 Ma) in a state similar to its modern appearance (i.e. it was already a big, deep canyon). Indeed this fact had to be ASSUMED for this research to have even been pursued. P.S. the volcanic crater on Mt. St. Helens is not analogous to a mini Grand Canyon because it was created by an EXPLOSION, duh.
  22. The infiltration by anonymous east-coast arm-chair "mountaineers" and irresponsible fathers with teenage, drug-addled brains has made spray so boring it's intolerable. Even Fairweather's expected retaliatory troll last night failed to pique my curiosity or fighting spirit. Alas, goodbye (for now) CC.com. Fare thee well.
  23. I think those fuckers should be castrated and burned alive at the stake. I think she deserves a medal or something.
  24. Someone finally figured it out. That goes for you too, asshole.
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