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Everything posted by Weekend_Climberz

  1. I think these castings they took in 2003 are evidence of recent activity a few miles east of the Grizzy Bear Recovery Zone. Where'd you get the 12 years from? From the dang 'BearInfo' Site we are all looking at! http://www.bearinfo.org/observations.htm Glacier Peak, 1996 In 1996, a bear biologist saw a grizzly bear on the south side of Glacier Peak in the Glacier Peak Wilderness Area. This is the last recorded Class 1 observation. Those tracks in the mud were in field a few miles south of Canada and between Oroville and Colville, miles from the designated NoCa Recovery Zone. Actually 25 miles, and well within a days walk for a bear that large. Also, I was using my deductive skills and reasoning ability to find that the Class 1 definition is: Seems to meet the definiton to me, along with the video of the obivous grizzly the Canukistanians took. Though that was a bit north and east, but still well within the roaming range of these guys. Not trying to argue, but seems like a Class 1 to me. Any biologists on here wanna make it official for us?
  2. Come on out to the Ski-In. Check out the *Freshiez* Forum.
  3. Damn, I have "Into the Wild" coming from Nexflix tomorrow. I'll have to wait and watch that on Sunday night.
  4. Hehehe, crashed there site now that everyone is checking out the bears!
  5. I think these castings they took in 2003 are evidence of recent activity a few miles east of the Grizzy Bear Recovery Zone. Where'd you get the 12 years from? Those definately are Class 1 sightings. It also appears that they are actively updateing their website with other sightings, too.
  6. Oh, and last year in the Sumallo Cirque, we came across tracks and a huge pile of dung. Should have taken a picture of that and reported it. Damn!!!
  7. I've seen a grizzly around Norse Peak, along the trail to Dewey Lakes. I've also seen one on the Chocolate Glacier from a distance on Glacier Peak. At least it looked like a grizzly, but I couldn't really tell. Was approached by a grizzly one day in Alaska, and charged by a mother black bear whose cubs thought we wanted to play later that afternoon. I've heard stories of them around the I90 corridor, but never came across one. We'll have to try and get it on camera this weekend.
  8. Seriously, you're not giving me another excuse to not come out and climb on Sunday are you Rad?
  9. What about beer? What if we bring beer? Will we still be welcome? Do I need a plate for that?
  10. Trekking poles are like climbing ropes for me. I buy them cheap and often :tup:
  11. Yeah, but how was the 4/20/08 bivy kit?
  12. Pick up the Paleo Diet for Athletes. It's Dr Doom approved :tup:
  13. Check two here Porter, with two dogs a piece. Even if she don't come along, I'll still eat her dogs. Man that sounded way different when I said it out loud
  14. Come-on Knee, Come-On, you can do it!!!
  15. A bit of misinformation there. Though when you burn fat in the lab, it does produce a bit more than 9 calories per gram. When your body oxidizes it (burns it for fuel at the cellular level) it is much less efficient. In terms of body function, 1 liter of oxygen will produce 5 calories from carbs, 4 calories from fat, and more than 17 with protein. Due to the long process it takes for protein to get to the oxidation point it is not as good as it might seem. A 150 lbs athlete at 10% body fat has 15 pounds of fat reserves, which is a few thousand minutes of running. Where as, carb reserves for the same athlete would be around a pound or two, or enough for about an hour and a half of jogging. Carbs are far more available for direct use for energy than fat is and when in the thin air they will be easier for your body to burn. Carb drinks while climbing are an essential for me, and GU, hard candies, and a protein bar every now and then are also a good idea. You really need to keep your fat intake to 15% or less of your total caloric intake and by all means take a high quality multi-vitamin. The nutrition quality in all our fresh fruits and vegetables is so poor now, it is impossible to get all the vitamins and minerals that you need to keep your body strong. Oh and don't jog next to the freeway, seriously, why would you do that to your lungs
  16. Nice!! I wonder if Jack will be serv'n that night :tup:
  17. That has Tvash written all over it...
  18. Stoopid f'n knee. Good jorb :tup:
  19. I wonder how far they will have to take it before other countries including ours start threatening them with pulling our athletes from the games.
  20. I wonder how much we could raise to napalm the trees that were cut to the malamute.
  21. I thought you were into neuro science.
  22. Damn, should have brought a towel to work today. Now, my monitor REALLY needs to be wiped off.
  23. Funny thing is, back in like '98 Bob Denver was busted (Gilligan for those who are too young to know) for getting a package in the mail with a bunch of pot in it. Initially he said it was sent by Dawn Wells, but refused to divulge that information in the trial. Guess once Bob died, she decided to keep the packages for herself
  24. I have one my cats pee on my stuff. Seems to keep people from stealing my gear and adds psychadelic discoloring to all my textile goods, too.
  25. I don't mind, but you do need to do the research and make sure you are staying within the defined boundaries where it is allowed. Just like we have to stay on the trails around the climbing areas to protect the fragile flora, it seems that other user groups should also follow the rules for their sport that have been set for the same purposes. If the Fish and Wildlife folks don't want to police on the weekend, then it is up to us all to make sure we're doing our part. Ignorance is no excuse.
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