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Everything posted by Weekend_Climberz

  1. I'm glad Fred made it up there.
  2. Only 40 yards of bailing twine? I thought this was going to be a party?
  3. Maybe be good pics, but missed the most important one of the flying alien spacecraft going up his partner's asshole.
  4. How many does that leave? You are a hard man to get a hold of.
  5. Wow, it's been a long time since this started. Just thought I give everyone an update. So, after the MRI and it not settling down in a month they did some more tests and I was diagnosed with a partial tibial tubercle fracture. When I was younger, playing football I whacked my knee pretty hard on the back on my friends heel. Apparently, this caused a hairline fracture that partially seperated from the front of my tibia. My patellar tendon was attached to this fragment and partially to the actual tibia. When this episode started, I tore the piece of the tendon that was attached to the tibia, leaving only the bit attached to the fractured fragment. If there had not been some tissue that had grown in between the fragment and the tibia the doc said the whole thing could have come apart. So anyway, had the surgery in August 2008 to put a screw in to hold everything in place so it could heal. After 3 months in a full leg brace, and more physical therapy, by the time ice season rolled around I was still having pain to the point that I was having to limp significantly. A few x-rays confirmed that the bone still had not healed, so I started on a bone growth stimulation device. If you've never heard of one of those, its a little magnetic device that's supposed to flex the bone microscopically or something. I made sure to keep it well away from my testicles, just in case So after I gave that a chance to fail, it was back to the surgery table. In the beginning of April, they cut it back open, backed out the screw, sawed out the piece of bone that wasn't healing, and the put it all back together with three screws and a plate. So now if they don't stop me at the airport because of my long hair, they'll surely stop me when I beep in the metal detector. After having my leg in another full leg brace for the last three months, I got out of it yesterday and working on getting my strength back. I Start back at PT this week and am going hiking for the first time in more than a year.
  6. That brings back memories of more healthy times.
  7. WTF?!? When did you come back! I've been out of it for too long apparently.
  8. I'm sure someone is still doing this. I've been out for a while but should be back on the rock later this summer. I haven't talked to Rad and Alex about our regular outings in a while.
  9. There was a cleanup/trail maintenance project that I was a part of in 2007 and I recall about 15 people there to help out (many cc'ers too). If there were more of these specifically for cleanup I think that would help. Anything to show that we actually care about the place, as is.
  10. Crummy rock my ballz. I bet there's a 5.9+ A1 on that face somewhere.
  11. Anyone from WA going down there, I'll need a ride since I can't currently drive a vehicle?
  12. Damn! I seem to miss this every year. Any "Gimp" categories?
  13. 2009 will be starring yours truly. You better be ready you ass candle.
  14. Was she wearing one of the famous "Red Neck Tank Tops" pictured below:
  15. Are you implying that you have a screw loose?
  16. Hey OMB. Headed to our new spot on Sunday up there. You got that day free?
  17. I'm sorry the sexiness of my avatar has offended some, but I will not remove it. Sorry
  18. Fucking sweet D00d :tup: Between you and tvash, I'm really getting depressed.
  19. Experience = Almost killing yourself
  20. Living the dream brother... God Speed
  21. Thursday: Hot and Sunny Friday: Hot and Sunny Saturday: Hot and Sunny Sunday: Still Hot and Sunny Sound's like everything should be pretty good to go after day two of "Hot and Sunny". If it hasn't come down after two days, then you're not going to want to climb under it anyway. Time to bag some of those peaks on the tick list. Fucking knee
  22. Had an MRI yesterday and got the results today. It's a torn pattela tendon and some other funkiness. The doc doesn't think surgery is absolutely necessary, but if it doesn't settle down in a month or so that may be the way to go. Anyone else around here tear this tendon before? What did you do, and how did it turn out? Thanks :pagetop:
  23. I'm in downtown Seatown, so PDX is a bit of a drive. Though I do owe Ivan a visit. Anyway, made an appointment with the orthopedic doc again, and will see what my options are. As a side note, I did stop doing the elliptical one month into the PT, but kept up on the other exercises and stretches she gave me. It seemed to just aggravate it more. Pretty soon, I'm going to look like one of those muscle bound freaks with the big chest and toothpick legs.
  24. Dude There was a thread about this about a year ago that ended up being a zillion pages. Basically a crowbar would be needed for most everything, except for glue-ins. Those are hack saw territory. I've been advocating using the type of bolts that Mattp uses that are completely removable, allowing for easy replacement. These only leave a hole that can easily be epoxied and gritted to match the surronding rock.
  25. Well it's been two months of PT, and I went out this past weekend to do some hiking and climbing. It was sore before I went out and it got worse, and so now my therapist wants me to talk to my ortho doc about a cortizone shot. It's never been 100% in the last 2 months or much above 80% for that matter. I'm wondering if I should get a different therapist, or something. She gives me the hardest exercises she can (or maybe knows of?), and I've been doing them pretty easily for the last two months. I had a slight internal deviation when I pressed up with my right leg that I've corrected, but still having tons of pain. Even while sitting down in a chair. Maybe my original doc was right by saying PT wasn't going to work, since I'm in such good shape. Maybe a wrong diagnosis?? Fucking lame!!!!
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