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Everything posted by Weekend_Climberz

  1. Oh Yeah!! Definately below Sunshine isn't kosher. :tdown: I was thinking of the private land around the Winter Walk Wall north of the Feathers. It's private land south of Running Gear Death Wall, too.
  2. Isn't being Polish, aid? Those guys are really putting up some cherries :tup:
  3. Um, if I'm not mistaken the valley bottoms are all private land. They were going to build a resort near Frenchman Falls at one point, but I'm not sure if that fell through or not. I could be mistaken though. I've seen bikes and sand rails scooting around there for the 10+ years I've been climbing there. You should be afraid when you hear the machine gun fire at night, or get buzzed by an apache while on Air Guitar
  4. Hey Porter, the link on the "Portal Page" still points to the address with teh Sprayage still disprayed.
  5. I'm sure Arc has already done it. Looks like Arc has be relegated to apray painting buildings in SODO:
  6. I'm glad someone thought it was funny. Sheesh when did this place get so serious?? Whoah, you are totally right. I reread my response the other day, and I'm sorry for flaming you man. I think what I meant to say was 'my boss is a total fucking asshole". Now knowing who this came from there's no need to apologize. Props to you :tup:
  7. I don't think you realize how complicated that would really be. Personally, I like it. G00D J0RBage D00Ds :tup:
  8. Like this? Damn, my computer is too slow to play this "Rock Climbing" game? Guess I just have to go back to Halo
  9. Bingo!!! Patellofemoral Chondromalacia PT here I come
  10. Ah Ha!!! This is great stuff guys. I'll be sure to get a PT and ask about the pulled calf. I just pulled my calf on the same leg about two weeks ago and before then the knee hadn't bothered me. Right now the pain is right on the knob below my knee cap (where my Oshgood-Schlatter is at). I do stretch pretty extensively for 10-15 minutes before and after working out, but I could be missing something in that area. I'm hoping that it is something that will only take a week or two of recovery and won't affect this summer. Physical therapy is just a fancy word for training, right?
  11. That's what I like. Give it to me dirty. I'll see what these guys say tomorrow before I start fantasizing about become the meat in a swedish hospital sandwich.
  12. Weekend_Climberz


    I'm next in line....
  13. I'm soooooo glad you weren't one of my parents
  14. I'll let you know. It sounds similar to what I've been experiencing, though I don't really know what caused it in the first place. It seems to be relatively minor during exercise (painful, but not debilitating) then gets worse after I cool down and tenses up. There's some minor swelling, but not visually noticable. I feel like a 30 year old buick that needs a new transmission.
  15. I like that option best :tup:
  16. They need aid gear too. There's no option to put my Bong on my rack anywhere?
  17. This was my first reaction. I'll definately be going over that again with the specialist.
  18. So, I've got an appointment with a knee specialist tomorrow and I'm not sure what to expect. Last fall I somehow hurt my knee hiking up a steep hill with a moderate sized pack on (~30lbs). Then I was told "give it six weeks and it should be okay". After more than six weeks of rest (I played some golf, yeah golf I know, during that time), I did some snowshoeing and the pain seemed to gradually come back during the day. In the days afterwards it subsided significantly and I thought all was well, but after doing some more steep hill hiking with a pack on recently (4+ months later), it's back with a vengence. I've been running on the eliptical and doing heavy leg workouts the last six weeks (squats, extensions, etc) and didn't have any problems. What I'd like to know are some good questions about what may be going on. My current doc told me that PT was pretty much useless since I'm already in pretty good shape. Some questions I was thinking of: Could it be ....... problem with my knee, doc? If I get a cortizone shot, what else does that affect? If we're talking about surgery, how many horse tranquilizers will it take to put me out until I'm fully healed so I don't remember anything at all? I hate doctors, hospitals make me nervous, I break out in a cold sweat when a needle appears, and I've never had stitches or a broken bone in my life. Thnx :tup:
  19. I'm just pissed that the wiped out all the stuff I loaded in the previous version with the upgrade. How's a pulse-rate-monitoring-gear-whore-super-geek supposed to get along in this cruel world??
  20. I believe that you would want to do this also due to the fact that the half ropes tend to stretch different lengths and when clipped in a single piece together the friction between the two strands becomes an issue. I'm not sure how a twin would not be subject to the same frictional forces other than simply the diameter of the ropes being less, therefore making the surface area less and then less friction between strands. Brings up the question to how a rope rated for both half and twin usage could make such a force negligible other than assuming that it's a negligible force to begin with. Which then brings me full circle. WTF am I talking about??
  21. Pretty low I would imagine. Less than factor 1 for sure and with half ropes in both cases which will significantly reduce the impact forces compared with a single rope.
  22. In the two falls I've caught on ice, one ice screw placement was with a screamer and one placement was without. Both placements were in good ice (though I would go as far to say the ice was indeed better on the placement with the screamer). The screw that did not have a screamer on it blew a bit of ice around the screw, but held firmly (~30 foot whipper). The one that did have a screamer, didn't show any signs whatsoever of any ice being displaced from the impact (~20 foot whipper). Take from that what you will.
  23. Hell, isn't Anchorage Northwest and along the Pacific. Of course, anything in between doesn't count
  24. ...and with all the work Jason and Alex did putting the guide together along with all the crap they had to deal with from the Mounties in the process, I don't know why anyone would want to bitch about the names they decided to write even without the FA. This isn't trying to solve world peace or anything
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