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Everything posted by Weekend_Climberz

  1. Damn, I totally missed you man Hope you are doing well :tup: Should have been with us this weekend.
  2. i don't know what gives you this idea? granted there is still some snow on north side of the Chief on some ledges, however freezing levels are waaaay above 2000m! Shriek of the Sheep is in real good shape. You should go get on that rig glass! I imagine you probably have, but it's gonna be there for a while as a lot of the north facing stuff in the Bridge.
  3. "Elevator to Hell, Going Down. Somebody wake up Hicks!!"
  4. It's like a Dr. Suess book in more ways than one.
  5. Weekend_Climberz


    Why is that a question?
  6. Weekend_Climberz


    If by playing field you mean tits and by level you mean sagging.
  7. You don't have the mono-kit for those bad-asses do you? I try and buy a mono-kit whenever I can find one since they don't make them any more. I heart my switchblades
  8. That pic's taken before the 39 sign. :tup:
  9. No 4Runner's yet?? I just got a 2000 last year with 120000+ on it. V6 with 4WD, gets a little less than 20 in town 23+ on the hi-way, not sure with 4WD. I had to help get a VW Taureg unstuck after getting high-centered on the side of the Kendall Peak Snow Park a year or so back, so I bet you won't see one of them doing this:
  10. Make sure your cat is still around and not stuck behind the stove, too
  11. Am I the only one who sees the irony in aussie69 responding to PP? Sounds like they need a warning on the Kama Sutra now, too.
  12. Weekend_Climberz


    Okay, I'm scared now.
  13. There's one I would actually show up for :tup:
  14. I bet that's why Chuck Norris hasn't been around. That double with Huckabee is soooooo fake.
  15. Yeah, WTF. Slow today, eh?
  16. No offense, but what other times have you been up there? You seem to repeat this story frequently. I would seriously reconsider heading up to Muir at all in the next week and if you do go, stop in to the Ranger station a be sure to register. There have been many fatalities in conditions better than those that are currently in place on all aspects of the slopes leading to Muir. Again, I'm not trying to offend and would love to head out and do some rock climbing or something with you before taking on something as serious as a winter attempt on Rainier. Of the six times I've attempted it, the only unsucessfull attempts I've had have all been in winter and due to conditions less favorable than anything that will come up in the next few days. Stay home, stay safe, and educate. Root for the Patriots on Sunday with the family :tup:
  17. Okay, so I keep seeing these on the Nightly News and I'll give any of the Minnesota peeps a nice prize if they can get in some ice climbng on the 6 o'clock news. I can't believe there's been no one on that thing and it's supposedly like a 15 minute drive from downtown.
  18. I always try to climb with a partner who owns a shotgun.
  19. Hey, nobody answered my question. Ken Griffey Junior is coming back?
  20. I would think even hiking up to Muir in the next week would be a bad idea. The PWL that's out there right now would cover pretty much everything above Paradise. Any snowfall right now, is bad news. Not to be a "Negative Ned" or anything, but the conditions right now dictate staying away from anything where a hoar frost layer could have developed. Stay safe and use this time to better your skills in a safe atmosphere.
  21. KGJ is coming back
  22. Facebook doesn't suck if you're a 40 something unemployed pedophile.
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