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Everything posted by Weekend_Climberz

  1. Nice Time to get some American Ice!
  2. Found out later it was Meth. He'd spin for a few days and crash like a overloaded 747.
  3. Let's see, time number one was a "fall asleep with a lit cigarette" and the second time was "leave a pan with grease on the stove and fall asleep". I was a bit down on my luck and so the option of finding new roommates at the time was pretty remote.
  4. Had a roommate intent on burning down our apartment. He nearly succeeded on several occasions.
  5. Updates are needed for 'Thin Red Line' on Libery Bell for the new Red Beckey. If anyone has recently done this route (last coupld of years) and has anything to add to the description currently published, it would be greatly appreciated. Looking for information on rack, fixed gear, and any bolted belays that now exist. PM me and I'll get you in touch with the Author.
  6. That Cassie sounds like an awesome woman, BTW. For her to have posted here about your illness, knowing that this was your "tribe" and how much it would mean to you to have your support to come from here, speaks volumes about the level of support and respect you two share. A rich man, indeed. She should win "Most Dramatic First Post Ever" award :tup:
  7. Yeah, I bet it doesn't quelch your need for Thai hookers though.
  8. Only 4 pages so far. This place is really slowing down. Anyone want to volunteer to get lost on a local volcano?
  9. Oh, and shouldn't this be in Cafe Sensitivo?
  10. Rob, ice season is here dude. Don't be a stranger. I too had a bit of some close calls this year and a close climbing friend die. I've backed off the climbing a bit to attend to other of life's riches and to get a bit of perspective. It's nice to have a bit of the check every now and then to keep it real. Hope you feel good enough to get on some ice, soon.
  11. No, ice you fool. Pray for ice!!!
  12. link to the news of the repeat? Blake gives too much beta even for trivia :?
  13. Mike showed up after his modeling gig last night. I had to leave early, so then there was only one chick (looking person).
  14. Anyone know if this stuff is available locally: X-Treme Tape
  15. It was cool seeing you again Mike b4 you leave. You thinking about the Ouray Ice festival this year?
  16. Guess which ones me...
  17. I heard that several locals got tagged last season with multiple thousands of cnd$ for crossing the river, not $250. Don't remember the exact number, but it's definately a bank breaker.
  18. GHEY!!
  19. :lmao: :lmao:
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