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Everything posted by Weekend_Climberz

  1. Listen, if we all don't realize that it just Tsu's old way of divide and conquer we'll never change anything. Though I think Greenwald of Salon.com is the shizzle, it's still divisive. We all need to come together like Shia's and Sunni's against the Soviets in Afghanistan to fight the corporate cleptocracy. Right vs. Left is just made up bullshit. It should be the people vs. multi-national corporations.
  2. Suck ass. Still didn't climb shit.
  3. Weekend_Climberz


    What about a utili-tunic?
  4. Yeah, cameras and the intertubes weren't invented until the 20th century, so Christianity gets a pass.
  5. This thread is gay.
  6. Are you making a comment or just posting propaganda?
  7. Hmmm... might have to make an appearance from outta my cave.
  8. I need to get back out there with you, but my Exit 38 visits as of lately have been involving more gunpowder than arm power.
  9. Same area? Or are you working a new cliff now bud?
  10. Da gonna take all teh guns from us!!!
  11. We don't die for nothing, we die so time can start over again.
  12. You all are just pissed she 16 and has a nicer boat than you.
  13. Get a job asshole!!
  14. Sounds like he did have his shit together. God speed brother.
  15. I think the point is there were a whole bunch of people (guides, clients, NPS Climbing Rangers and private parties) out on Saturday morning climbing in "blatant disreguard for the conditions". We are lucky there was only one death. How to improve on both those issues is what I am interested in. Exactly! I haven't been paying close attention for the last two years, but what was the avy report for the weekend? Wasn't there a bunch of fresh snow dumped last week? Why would you want to be under all that fresh snow in unstable conditions in the exact location of the worst avalanche disaster in Mt. Tahoma's history? Anyway, not trying to bash anyone, but this thread should be about honoring the fallen and not bickering about the stupid BS life throws at us.
  16. And of course that means you are assuming that he did not tell one of his loved ones and therefore making an ass out of yourself? As a fellow bandit climber, I know that registering for a climb on Rainier is only a NPS liability issue and by not registering I absolve them of liability. I'm not dumb enough not to tell someone where I'm going, what my plans are, and what time to call the sheriff for body retrieval if I'm not back by then. It's pretty pompous of you to assume he is less intelligent. The reason is because his family probably has not been fully notified.
  17. For realz. Just as bad as the ass hats who complain about taxpayers paying for S&R and then crying when their car goes over an embankment after a night of Red Label and still want a rescue.
  18. Actually chest beating aside, blah..blah..blah I guess not.
  19. Bwhhahahahhhahaaaaaaaahhhahahhhaaaaaaaahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahhahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhahah snortt sniff umph!!!!
  20. Do we know the guy who died, he's from Olympia... http://olympia.komonews.com/content/missing-climber-rainier-believed-be-olympia-man
  21. Had the PRP injections (Four of them on one day) at the end of December and I have to say that was the worst pain in the world. Imagine a six inch long needle being stuck directly into the tender/pain/sore spots on your patellar tendon. Oh, and anesthesia is not an option since that affects the healing. That seems to put the healing in high gear, but I still have some discomfort. I've gotten the all clear to go out and do stuff from the doc, but I a bit weary to trust it all yet. Looking like a lot of hiking in my future right now, since my range of motion is about 70%. The pain is pretty much gone, but it all still feels really weak. A bit nervous to head out deep somewhere. Unplanned chopper rides are not something I want to experience.
  22. No contests? O'contraire mufrair...It appears that there was a contest in keeping Fred away from all the girlfriends present. Unfortuantely, there were two disappointed men that evening
  23. It's in a city near a park. Right? Can anyone imagine their fingers in that flare above the zig. I think it's only 3 times lead. Right? Better yet. See if you can name the route and the three people in the world who have lead it.
  24. Anyone out there have any experience with PRP injections? That seems to be the next course of action recommended by my ortho doc.
  25. I initially did a lot of PT before having the first surgery. Unfortunately I was misdiagnosed, but I still have symptoms of Chondromalacia even 5 months after the second surgery. My doc believes that it is from scar tissue that has broken lose and is irritating my patella tract, but I'm starting to think he's full of shit.
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