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Everything posted by Weekend_Climberz

  1. Giant mudslide across the road.
  2. Great show guys! Good seeing some of you again too.
  3. I can still belay 5.15a, so I'm game.
  4. Yeah I read a news article from last year about some idiots doing that.
  5. I'm glad you didn't take me shopping with you.
  6. Another one gone, doing the thing they loved best. We all should be so lucky. RIP Joe.
  7. Someone should make pants for this guy and market them. They'd sell like hotcakes south of the Mason Dixon line.
  8. That's some wonderful stuff. Just what I needed. Bring on the snow.
  9. godfuckingdammit i fucking hate when the only decent comment i have to contribute gets fucking taken before i can fucking cut loose! fucking retard indeed not that i ever met him... Great minds think alike. Where both Norskies, so what can be said about that.
  10. [video:youtube]
  11. Rahm Emanuel is fucking retarded.
  12. Weekend_Climberz


    You all might want to be careful what you say. You do realize we're being watched, right?
  13. I ain't no victim. But I do appreciate the story and the thoughts. They're lucky I didn't catch'm. I'm a shoot first ask questions later kind of guy. A.O.J.
  14. That's what I get for moving to Kent.
  15. Wow, Kloke!?! This is truly a sad day. Condolences all around.
  16. I've been out of the game lately too. Been trying to get back in. Was suppose to go out and do some backpacking this weekend, but after having my catalytic converter stolen off my vehicle, just didn't feel like. Hey gene, video games aren't all bad. Just don't start playing shit like World of Warcraft were you end up getting involved in a whole community and crap.
  17. At 87, simply amazing! Classic Fred. Fred is only 86 and going on 20.
  18. All scales are just the same pattern up and down the fretboard. What you should work on is the different Modes. This will allow you to move to different scales depending on the chord changes. At least if you're interested in shredding some bad ass solos. And I'm sure Kevboner knows that John Petrucci is the best guitar player currently alive on this planet. [video:youtube]
  19. Some day in the future, we're all gonna realize that the capitalists are trying to play out Atlas Shrugged. Only that they didn't realize the proletariats weren't gonna take it laying down.
  20. What are they gonna do if I don't pay, arrest me? I'm glad they passed that law where you can carry guns in the NP's.
  21. “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.” Ghandi
  22. What about Mr. Anderson?
  23. I see your tourettes came back.
  24. Just turned 32, but I feel like I'm 55. Finally got the knee into a-little-bit-of-pain-but-fuckit-I'm-doing-shit-anyway condition and now I just gotta get my fat ass off the couch and into the wild. Probably just hiking and sport craggin' for a while. Beats playing golf and video games though.
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