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Everything posted by Weekend_Climberz

  1. Nice!! After trying this route during the Spring 3 times, I'm switching my plans to early Fall for next year. Fred's guarantee'd me he's not going back again. Oh, and for anyone going, there's a nice sized grizzly that patrols the road. Might be asleep now though...
  2. Nice pics! Shoulda brought the sticks, eh!
  3. Kevin Bacon for sure, where's the bacon finger pic....
  4. Hey Graham, Can I bring my sack so you can look at it and see if you reccommend having a few small repairs done? I want to keep my sack for as long as possible since it pretty much rulez
  5. If I go, will someone promise me there'll be a cat fight? I'll bring a cat :tup:
  6. I haven't tried rubbing beer on it. I'll give that a go tonight :tup:
  7. Give me a couple more weaks off the knee and I'll be out there with ya :tup:
  8. Damn, Chris Cornell that night
  9. In case you didn't notice Jens, when you were getting change back for your americano cashola at Timmay Horton's, they were doing a l for 1. Great, now I want a sausage sandwich. How's the foot fairing, d00d!!
  10. AIC and VR at George Washington's place :tup:
  11. Nice trip :tup: to bad no pics though Next time try one crampon, on lead, in ski boots
  12. You should quit hitting on chicks in the bar Dru. Sooner or later you'll realize that they all don't have the same phone number.
  13. It's amazing how when you meet some avatars IRL. Most CC.com events are pretty spray free, unless Ivan or Layton come
  14. As long as you don't take the prize away for the Beer Chugging Contest
  15. Just give Feck a few Sparks and he'll be shoot'n some.
  16. I miss my black ice.
  17. I'm not too good for spray and I still have my hair. Anyone want to recap what's been going on lately, or I'll do it myself: 1. Spray about bolts 2. Spray about chopping bolts 3. Spray about climbing on bolts 4. Spray about climbing on bolts and chopping them afterwards 5. Spray about placing bolts 6. Spray about not placing bolts, not climbing on bolts, not chopping bolts and making fun of the other 5 classes of wankers
  18. Considering that W's Grandfather, Prescott, was one of seven figureheads in the company Union Banking Corp which was seized by the government under the "Trading with the Enemy Act" in 1942, it's not far fetch to think there's some Nazi elements still. As a matter of fact, the reason we didn't get into the war sooner was because of the complicity of our own government to the Nazi regime, UBC being only one of the companies involved. The Bush family fortune was obtained from the Nazi's. The Third Reich was not defeated in WWII, it just changed venues.
  19. Moustache ride anyone?
  20. Right on Dude :tup: Happy sailing
  21. No, seriously. Where can I get one? I need a 2GB if they have them :tup:
  22. Can someone please show me where I can buy one of these. I need it for my next big wall adventure. TIA :tup:
  23. I didn't know sky and ross played volleyball
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