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Everything posted by Weekend_Climberz

  1. I was thinking more along the lines of rapping down from above and trying to clear out some of the loose blocks that surely remain.
  2. Sounds like a cleaning session might be in order??
  3. Archy, go to google and use the 'site' keyword. So, type in your search and then follow it with 'site:www.cascadeclimbers.com' (sans quotes). :tup:
  4. That's some pretty major rockfall. Looks like there might be some bouldering FA's in there. Any word on the routes down there as far as the gear on them, hangers, etc. I hope Zoom is okay
  5. Crackers, you rock I've beat the hell out of my 60L and plan on doing it again this summer, too. I'll be getting a 30L work sack, soon. There's only one thing that I am a little confused about though and that's the pronuciation of the brand name. Is it Chai-Low or is it See-Low? Keep up the good work :tup:
  6. I can imagine this line being pretty long, I'm going to bring a tent and a sleeping bag.
  7. Maybe the usage of the namesake of said route dilluted your fears enough to allow you to send said route sans bolts. Maybe, now that you're a bit beyond that stage in your life it's a good idea to add a few bolts to prevent a possible injury. Is there a history of accidents on this route? I still think considering how long the route has existed in it's current state should definately be part of your equation on retro'n it, at least as much as safety. My $.02
  8. Can I get you guys to run this query on a cron at the beginning of every hour, TIA: DELETE * FROM post WHERE username="kevbone"
  9. There's a point that I failed to consider.
  10. Maybe if you quit posting in spray, we'd respect you more. That's not saying that we don't already respect you some, but in this case, more is more
  11. Is this in spray for a reason? There's so many things I want to say, but I don't want to ruin a serious thread
  12. On occasion, if they didn't trust the client to stay put they would take one of the boots of the client's so they could ensure they wouldn't walk away on their own
  13. The nerve of some guys, don't you know it's summer alredy. Sick
  14. Good jorb Love the oxide pic
  15. Another good one to tuck away in the beta bookmarks. Thanks :tup:
  16. I've got a crowbar and a chisel. Let's do it
  17. The obvious would be Jack Nicholson in Shining.
  18. If you look closely, he's actually pinching a loaf onto the Constitution in this photo.
  19. Everybody loves bubbles
  20. You must be a Bob Barker fan. Nice trip :tup:
  21. It starts out 5.9, then as the crack widens it goes to a move or two of 10a, going right that is. At least, that's what the old guide says.
  22. You want the one I have parked in front of my garage?
  23. Monty Python in their finest form :tup:
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