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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. You need help. I recommend some spiritual guidance:
  2. Alpinfox

    the burn

    The middle of the desert in Nevada in mid-August? Surrounded by patchoulli-soaked trustafarians? SOUNDS GREAT!
  3. This sounds like an impressive trip! I've got a couple of friends who are planning to raft in, climb Lotus Flower Tower, and then raft out. Real adventure!
  4. Break out the rock shoes! Time for first summer ascents!
  5. No but I'm going to post one for my Rainier summit climb next week! A summit climb? I can't wait!
  6. Yer nutz. Look at the smirk and the jauntily lifted eyebrow: That's classic Burt!
  7. Well, just cuz you can aid A5 don't mean you gotta pick on me fer gettin scared on a wittle C2.
  8. Very impressive! What? No Sea of Dreams?
  9. Sweet Sweet SWEET! That looks SO good! except for the "20+ rappels" Thanks for posting that.
  10. 10/1 Grass Roots and shiz.
  11. [stepping into Squid's head] "Gee, I really need to beat this spray addiction..... I KNOW! Everytime I feel like spraying, I'll just post a paragraph of War & Peace and when I get to the end, I'll flip out and move to Nebraska!" [/stepping out of Squid's head] Man. You're weird.
  12. Shouldn't you be posting beta about iron horse?
  13. There is a section of iron horse that is pretty tough. I think Squidly can comment on that with more authority than me. Squid?
  15. Yeah, the bolts are underneath the boulder. They have (had) nuts, but no hangers. You can cinch the cables of a couple of wired nuts down on them for a good anchor if you don't have a couple of hangers. Clove hitching the first bolt or two of the bolt ladder is a good idea for additional anchor security. I've used a gri-gri for solo-aiding CP. Works great. I once did CP ground to ground in 45min. I thought that was pretty good since I haven't done much aid. Beat that Dan Howshit!
  16. i'll leave the spray response version for someone else... Uh OH! Did you get exploding GU on your crazy carpet!??!
  17. Alpinfox

    60 years ago

    Restriction endonucleases were discovered and used for bioengineering in the late 1960s. Thank you for allow science nerd to post.
  18. Boosting your post count by quoting War and Peace paragraph by paragraph is aid!
  19. "A boat is a hole in the water that you pour money into" -??
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