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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Grade V+????!?!?!? Just kidding. Great job guys! I haven't even read the whole thing yet, but it looks terrific. What's up with Erik's eye? You guys are inspirational. tug. tug.
  2. Great questions asked of NPS staff:
  3. Yes. A serving of peach has 331mg of potassium. But back to the solubility schtuff, were you suggesting that endurance athletes should drink a saturated NaCl solution? That would be tasty!
  4. Group I carbonates (Li, Na, K, etc) are very soluble in water. Group II carbonates (Be, Mg, Ca, etc) are not soluble in water. You are correct that the Cl salts are more soluble, but at the concentrations under discussion here (mg/L), it doesn't matter. The MgSO4 and calcium carbonate are DEHYDRATING agents, which act as preservatives.
  5. If you descend the climbing route, bring one rope and no tat. It's too low-angle to do effective two-rope raps and I'm sure there is plenty of slingage. If you go down the SW face you might consider two ropes though it has been done with one. In that case, I would bring enough tat for a few stations (though you probably won't need it there either).
  6. Look at some pictures of "pearly everlasting" and "sulphur buckwheat" on the web and see if they look right. Those are the only two in my audubon guide that seem like possibilities.
  7. Alpinfox


  8. McCandless went out in search of real adventure and he found that it was a bit more than he could handle, but his bravery and vision make us weekend warriors with our handfuls of maps, route descriptions, packs full of the latest lightweight space-age fiber gadgetry, and GPSs look like a bunch of poseur pedestrians. For you to call him a "dumbass" (and by extension me ) merely shows the narrowness of your own mind. Fuck off.
  9. I don't think Chris McCandless, this Toulumne Peak accident guy, or Aaron Ralston are "dumbasses", but your Minnesota friend certainly sounds like one.
  10. I bailed off of Crestone Needle in a horrendous lightining storm when I was about 17 years old. Good fun! That area and the Grenadier range are my two favorite places in CO.
  11. That's quite an obsession you have there. Evidence
  12. Looks like a comet in the sky up there. Did the world end? Nice pictures Mike/Mark. When/where is that slideshow?
  13. Nothing like the challenge of the Colorado 14ers. 54 peaks you can climb without using hands. Pyramid? Crestone Needle? Wilson? Maroon Bells? Give it a shot.
  14. Yup. I just don't think the roman numeral grading system is appropriate for traverses/enchainments. How about "XXXX vertical feet of 5th class climbing" and leaving it at that? Yup. Welcome to cc.com.
  15. Shit that's a lot of climbing! Spectacular effort. However, I call bullshit on the VI rating. I don't believe enchainments should be rated as the sum of the parts since the roman numeral grade is supposed to be about commitment, not just how long it takes to do the route. By my reckoning, this would be three Grade IV or V routes done consecutively. If you try to do 5 Grade III climbs in one day, you can bail off with a few raps anytime you want, so I don't think that changes the roman numeral grade. Whatever. Blah blah blah. Nice work! Looking forward to the pics.
  16. And in THIS instance, the guy neither made a mistake (unless you consider soloing 4th class a "mistake", I don't), nor did he turn it into a big media adventure story (he ain't gettin' rich from that summitpost trip report).
  17. From Burdo's "North Cascades Rock"
  18. Ivan, Your PM box is full. Fred Beckey is looking for a mid-week partner. If you are interested in climbing with him, let me know.
  19. Grammarenemy, it's got nothing to do with her credit. Ohhhhhh..... BURN!!!!
  20. Alpinfox

    Anonymous Avatars

    Instead of changing your name, how about changing your attitude and giving people a reason to like you?
  21. Alpinfox

    Anonymous Avatars

    Will the real JZ please stand up, please stand up.
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