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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. I got off easy and only lost a wee bit of dignity and a beatup old nalgene. However, AlpineDave is missing his new camera Also Olyclimber is missing a cable that attached the laptop to the digital projector. I found a pair of pink G-string panties which eventually ended up tied to AlpineK's truck.
  2. Loss of Vehicular Access to Ghost River The Ghost River Valley of Alberta holds some of the finest rock and ice climbs in the Canadian Rockies. Unfortuately, the climbing community is on the verge of losing access! Whether you dream of visiting the Ghost River Valley or regularly enjoy its offerings, please take a moment right now to sign the Calgary Mountain Club's petition to the Canadian government, to be submitted Friday, September 30th. CLICK HERE
  3. RE: the Gear exchange I'm going to bring a simond pirhana ice tool, a pair of X-15 ice tools (one hammer one adze), a bunch of metolius TCUs, a couple of older U-stem camalots 0.5 & 0.75, and maybe a few other random widgits. Maybe a jacket or two as well. Will consider barter/cash offers. I want a 0.5 (pink) tricam, a yates rocker, and a few more mammut skinny slings. Also looking for some nice garden gnomes and garden mirror balls. Bring em all!
  4. Could you transport something from Glassgowkiss in the 'Ham to Ropeup for me? I promise it isn't sheep related.
  5. You're gonna get hair on your palms! You'll go blind!
  6. Lotsa eye candy on the Ave today. Overheard quote: "Like..., OH MY GOD, that is, like..., SO awesome!" Hot, dumb, and young
  7. Sweet. That first annotated pic is great and I'll definitely have to print that one out whenever I get up there. How hard is that big right facing corner on the lower portion? I assume it's a well established route.
  8. FUCK! That sucks. Do you have homeowner's or renter's insurance?
  9. Argentinians lost in Antarctic crevasse
  10. That is the funniest thing I have seen in quite a while. Thanks! Made my morning.
  11. Send a PM to Ken4ord; he is based in Kigali, Ruwanda right now and has been doing some climbing on "The Dark Continent".
  12. Alpinfox

    Weekend Thread

    I sent some heinous 5.4 testpieces and played horsey!
  13. Will I get my $150 (or whatever it was) back from the "monorail fee" when I registered my car?
  14. Alpinfox


    Yeah, same here! HATE HATE HATE!!!
  15. I called that number and Jenny didn't know Olympia Climber's number either. Anybody?
  16. Anybody have Olympia Climber's new cell phone number?
  17. It's all laid out in the NEW SMITH ROCK GUIDEBOOK which will be on shelves soon. Hey E, what's that route on PLW that we got rained off of?
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