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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. I have one DMM wallnut that I bootied recently and I like the shape of it and have found it places and cleans very well. I would probably choose a set of DMMs over the WC if I had to choose again, but it really doesn't matter. If you get WC, BD, ABC, or DMM I'm sure you will be happy with them, just don't get the Metolius curve nuts - I have a set and they suck. I would go with Dru's advice and get whatever set of nuts covers the largest range for the least $$. In this case, 13 ABC Huevos for $60 seems like the winner. I think you can find them cheaper on Ebay. Anybody wanna buy a set of slightly used Metolius curve nuts?
  2. Well how do you propose to get from Boise or SLC to the City? No
  3. That's what I'll be doing.
  4. Sweet! Where is Boula Boula Buttress? Pictures?
  5. Don't hate the playa, hate the game. For Inspiration: Peter Gibbons : I uh, I don't like my job, and, uh, I don't think I'm gonna go anymore. Joanna : You're just not gonna go? Peter Gibbons : Yeah. Joanna : Won't you get fired? Peter Gibbons : I don't know, but I really don't like it, and, uh, I'm not gonna go. Joanna : So you're gonna quit? Peter Gibbons : Nah-uh. Not really. Uh... I'm just gonna stop going.
  6. My favorite sport route I have ever done anywhere is "Running Man". It's 5.11, 40m (bring two ropes). Pretty sustained. It is located on the right side of the "running man wall" between the second pullout and the sandstone quarry. Best to approach from the Sandstone Quarry lot. Gallery also has good sport routes. "A Day in the Life" is another great 5.11. I haven't done it yet, but I want to climb "Prince of Darkness" next time I go down there. 6 pitch 10c sport route. I don't know if you are primarily a sporto, but if you climb trad too, you should definitely do some of the multipitch routes on the other side of the canyon. "Crimson Crysallis" or "Ginger Cracks" for example.
  7. OH! Looks like I got Wednesday lined up too. Best get some fox while the gettin's good!
  8. I snort with derision at your mathematical computations you brush battling choss chuffing engineer. A "horde" is not a mathematically defined entity, but a feeling ... a sense of population out of step with the surroundings. Or, if you insist on a definition Mr. Right-brained, a "horde" is a "throng or swarm from the Turkish 'ordu' meaning camp". Did you take ANY liberal arts classes? Jeeeez. In the case of Illabot Peak, I think any more than one lone peak-bagging, gonna climb the highest prominences with minimum projections of elevation within the eminences of altitudes-sort of person constitutes a "horde". p.s. Will you share your $500 dollar check with me?
  9. That's reeeeeel purty Gary. Reeeel purty. You get up too early.
  10. Did Subaru get some kind of special permit from the forest service to do this? Installing fixed lines, landing helicopters, hordes of people in wilderness areas, "checkpoints"... it all sounds kinda shitty to me. Did Subaru have to pay the forest service anything for the use of the roads/trailheads etc? It seems that a private company used public land for a promotional/for-profit event. What did we, the taxpayers, get out of this deal?
  11. I have a partner lined up for tomorrow, but that leaves Wed-Fri open. Anyone? I'll probably be getting home pretty late tomorrow (Tues) night, but I'll check in then.
  12. OK. It's official. The Alpinfox will be at Bruce's Boulder at 10am on Sunday . I will make sure that people tie their figure 8 knots properly, I'll set up topropes (I'll bring a couple of ropes, but please bring your own if you have one), and I will do some belay-technique coaching. I'm willing to do this for a few hours. Feel free to stop by if you are a beginner or you have a beginner in your group. Kids are welcome too, but I'm not a babysitter . If you want to climb, all you need to bring is a harness, a pair of rock shoes, a locking carabiner, and a belay device. I will probably be able to provide one or two extra harnesses and belay devices, but please bring your own if you have them. Bruce's Boulder is on the south (left) side of the road 5.6mi from the junction of Hwy2 and Icicle Creek Road (the 76 gas station). This is 1.3mi past the snow creek wall trailhead parking lot. Bruce's Boulder is the one with those "staple-like" anchors on top. The climbs face away from the road, so you won't see us while driving by. The climbs there rate 5.0, 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.7, 5.9, 5.10d, and 5.11a. See you there! p.s. There may be someone doing a similar event on Saturday, but that has not been confirmed.
  13. Oh my Mr. Bug. Ye of little faith. Master Perkins has given me a hall pass, so The Fox is IN for the Champagne brunch on Saturday.
  14. Sounds cool bug. If I am not supervising a beginner's toprope thing on Saturday I'd like to join you. If you have rope and rack, I can provide the other items required for this climb.
  15. Hey MattP and AlpineK, Is that beginner climber thingy still going to happen? I renew my offer to supervise proper figure-8 tying, belay techniques, and set up topropes, etc at someplace like Bruce's boulder or Barney's rubble for a few hours. Let me know if my services are needed.
  16. I am having the same problem. And Jon and Timmy, THANKS!
  17. Where are all the TRs? It was really nice on the east side! I went cragging at Leavenworth on Thursday. Crab Cakes, Heart of Gold (4p), Prime Rib (3p), Crab Cakes again (partner left a locking biner on the anchor, had to retrieve it ), Cocaine Connection, Cocaine Crack. 12 pitches of granite goodness! Cragging at Tieton on Sat/Sun. Orange Sunshine, Inca Roads, some sport routes, Thriller Pillar, Mush Maker, waded in the river, enjoyed some desert heat and sunshine, watched rafters on the river, smelled some sage, got rattled-at by a rattler, ate Yakima-grown-tree-ripened nectarines + peaches MMMMMMmmmm. Good stuff. Place your mini TRs here:
  18. Are you at the Fairview? Is there anything to do in Talkeetna in late September except ? Crosspost from the bumpersticker thread: "Talkeetna: A quaint drinking village with a climbing problem"
  19. No shit! I've thought about putting a "slower traffic keep right" or "keep right except to pass" sign in my left rear window. Fuckin' lousy WA drivers.
  20. Lowell, I'd really like to see BOTH of those films. Does one have to be a "mountaineer" to visit the library? Is there a 16mm projector in the library? I, also, would gladly make a monetary contribution to get these films transferred to digital format and/or projected somewhere. Thanks.
  21. He knows what they are. He's just trollin' ya'll cuz he put up a new route there recently. CHESTBEATER!!!
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