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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. It's goin' off right now!!! Check it out! I see pulses!
  2. That was cool. Seems to have peaked around 9:15pm. Even people in Alabama saw it! http://www.spacew.com/www/auroras.html
  3. Hey W, Check your PMs. I'm interested in the Helios jacket.
  5. I have The "Republic of Freemont" isn't a REAL country metrosexual.
  6. Senor Skyclimb lives in Corvallis. Poor guy.
  7. Where is the grafitti? Where are the beer cans? This can't be "under a bridge". I think those pictures were shot in some Hollywood studio. Come on, spill the beans.
  8. Alpinfox

    Weather Sucks

    I have heard rumors that such things exist. Please list examples.
  9. Over W Face, NEWS? This is supposed to be our top 5 climbs that WE HAVE NOT DONE YET. Correct? If so, here is my list: Rock: NR Stuart SF Prusik NEB Slesse Japanese Gardens, Index (I need a ropegun. RuMR?!, MisterE!?!!?, BobbyP?!) Just about anything in the southern picketts Not rock: NF Hood Triple Couliors, Dragontail Ptarmagin Ridge, Rainier NY Gully, Snoqualamie Some other stuff... I like rock climbing.
  10. I hope you clubbed a few Bush voters. http://www.pbase.com/nolock/mountains
  11. Those fuckin' savages! We should take over that goddamned country for it's own good!
  12. Bill The Bard wrote that. Hamlet. I don't see how the quotation was all that apt in the context in which you used it, except that you ruffled J_B's feathers, but the emotion the quote is about is a little more complex than that. edit: And no, I didn't use google initially, but here is the context of the quote (using google): "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." --From Hamlet (III, ii, 239) Queen Gertrude speaks these famous words to her son, Prince Hamlet, while watching a play at court. Gertrude does not realize that Hamlet has staged this play to trap her and her new husband, King Claudius, whom Hamlet suspects of having murdered his father. She also does not realize that the lady who "doth protest too much" is actually herself, as the Player King and Queen represent King Hamlet and Queen Gertrude. The former will be poisoned (in this play within the play) by the king's brother, as in reality (Hamlet suspects) Claudius killed King Hamlet. Gertrude's statement is in response to the play-Queen's repetitive statements of loyalty to and love of her first husband. p.p.s. I believe John McCain will be elected president in 2008. He's pretty much unstoppable as far as I can tell. He has right wing appeal, very strong moderate appeal, he has impeccable character... hell, I might even vote for him. In the early days of the democratic primaries, I was very excited by the prospect of Dean getting the nomination. It looked likely to happen and he was a politician that could almost imagine honestly supporting! A rare thing, especially at the national level. Jim McDermmot for President!!!
  13. It's taken me a while to get around to posting these pictures, but I thought they might still be of some interest. Here is a picture of me holding the rock that ripped through our tent in the middle of the night at Thumb Rock. Note the hole in the tent fly. The rock embedded itself in the snow about 12 inches above the top of my head. Didn't get much sleep that night. Fortunately that event still remains my closest brush with death while climbing. Here is a nice picture of me on the upper slopes (I think) of Lib Ridge. We had beautiful weather. Both pictures are by my partner AS. Thanks! edit: And here is a picture of my partner AS aiding past the bergshrund just below Liberty Cap. This picture has been posted before:
  14. I'm reading this right now Only about 40p into it, but pretty "dry" so far. It's supposed to be "the definitive history of water resources in the American West, and a very illuminating lesson in the political economy of limited resources anywhere."
  15. The following is from David Frum, a former speechwriter for Bush: The president began to talk about the problem of Iraq from his very first days as president, at the same time as he talked also of the danger from Iran. But he always talked about it as something that he was going to do before the end of his term. A lot of the books that have been written about the president's thinking subtly mislead or misdirect the reader. President Bush always intended to deal with Iraq someday, but that is not the same as intending to deal with it today. It was one of his long list of things he intended to accomplish as president -- to negate the danger from Saddam Hussein. How precisely he was going to do it, I am sure he did not know; whether it would take a military invasion, whether some other method would work. Source
  16. The american taxpayer has footed the bill for the war while Haliburton and other american corporations have profited handsomely. This is simple stuff Scott. Wake up.
  17. So we invaded Iraq in 2002 to stop the genocide that occurred in 1988? In 2002 Saddam was in a box, had no WMDs, and had nothing to do with 911. Furthermore, there was not an ongoing massive genocidal campaign against the kurds going on in 2002. The US did NOT step into Iraq to save the Kurds. We had economic and political sanctions in addition to military and physical confinement. THERE WAS NO THREAT! We went to war for OTHER REASONS which the administration has never clarified. I believe money and pride were probably the reasons.
  18. I believe he said: "Don't taunt the alligator 'til after you cross the crick." Yeah, he started that weird shit last election. It was very late (especially on the east coast) and he looked really tired and started saying goofy "colloqialisms" like, "this race is tighter than grandpa's britches on thanksgiving day". He must have gotten some fan mail or something and decided to do it again this year. He had several good ones.
  19. Alpinfox

    Exit Polls

    The way it looks now: 274 Bush 256 Kerry
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