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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Alpinfox


    I don't think that its legal in Washington.
  2. Right. But is this route "below" the pass on the east (Enchantment Lakes side) or west (Colchuck Lake side) of the crest of the pass?
  3. OK, I was wrong. I think "Most Active" means the most recently viewed or commented on, but then how is that different from "Latest". I give up.
  4. Yes, I thank my lucky stars on a daily basis. It's bliss really...
  5. Most active is rated on # of views Most popular is rated on # of "thumbs up"
  6. Not at my house. I did it once. No tool necessary. Just lift up that metal plate by the sidewalk in front of the house and turn the handle to close the valve.
  7. Sounds risky. Please mail them to me. I'll make sure they are properly disposed of.
  8. Special tool? All you have to do is turn a little valve thingy. No tool needed. At my house anyway. Funny (in a sure-glad-it-didn't-happen-to-me way) story.
  9. I thought this thread was going to be about tying your grandmother to your harness while lead climbing... I got a nice rope burn on the back of my knee once from falling with the rope behind me. I wasn't wearing a helmet and almost got flipped upside down. Bad leg/rope position: *also note the side-loaded carabiner on highest piece
  10. I'm curious. What are you going to do with 5lbs of citric acid?
  11. Instead of being a prick and posting a deragatory comment, perhaps you could have just said, "a missing bolt on that route is a common occurence... I deal with it by X, Y, and Z". However, I understand you're frustrated by your injured ankle and the arrival of spray season, so FLAME ON!!!
  12. Alpinfox

    Free Advice

    Like who? I mean... what?
  13. Alpinfox

    It's On!

    Oh yeah? Does this do it for ya?: How about this?:
  14. AlpineDave's home gym has the panels attached to the wall in such a way that he can easily change the angle. I think they have a hinge at the bottom and are attached via chain at the top. Pretty cool idea to consider.
  15. Alpinfox

    It's On!

    Hey Iaiaain, RESIZE YER GODDAMN FOTOS SWEET BABY JEEEEEBUS!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! Klenke, you brushy-hillclimbin'-prominence-carin'about-unemplyed fuckstick! You best hope we never meet in person. And in conclusion:
  16. Alpinfox

    It's On!

    Showers Chance Showers Chance Showers Chance Rain Rain Developing Showers Likely Chance Showers Chance Showers Well, it seems that SPRAY SEASON HAS ARRIVED!!! YEE HAW!!! "The moderators are nazis!" "You suck!" "Bolts are for Sporto Clowns who don't have the cajones to step up to REAL climbing" "No, YOU suck"! "Blow me you gumby-no-talent-weekend-gaper-chuffer-wannabe-punter; I got more climbin' talent in my left ass cheek than you got in yer whole cubicle-farm-physique" FUCK YOU YOU FUCKIN' FUCK!!!
  17. While I think this may be a stretch on the truth, you are right that people on this board frequently offer cautionary advice. I think this more often occurs when requests for information are framed with statements like "we're beginners and have only climbed Adams/Hood/Helens". In the particular case of you asking for advice about Fisher Chimneys, you stated that ya'll were beginners. Someone without crevasse rescue skills, basic rock/steep snow climbing experience would likely have a rough time on a semi-technical route like FC with a relatively high chance of something going wrong resulting in a nasty situation. Good for you. And you also exhibited good judgement by heading down in shitty conditions even when a partner wanted to press on.
  18. Yeah, but BP doing dragontail in flippers WASN'T stupid. I've seen that boy hike in his flippers... usually from about half a mile behind him as he disappears in a cloud of dust up the trail. He had the experience, judgement, and skills to make that choice and I don't second guess him.
  19. So I suppose a disclaimer should have been added to his TR. "Warning, Do not try this yourself. BP has perfected his flip-flop hiking skills with years of practice and hikes like a freakin' cheetah. Do not attempt to flip-flop your way up dragontail without certified professional instruction and years of practice".
  20. I stayed at Arizona Charlies as well on my last trip. It's a good cheap option, though definitely a casino. You have to wade through some of the thickest cigarette smoke I've ever seen in the lobby, but they do have non-smoking rooms, so you can get away from it. On one occasion our shower wasn't very warm and the temperature kept fluctuating. We complained and they gave us half-off our room rate or something like that. They have cool light fixtures too (see attachment).
  21. So is anyone going to replace the bolt? Would a glue-in be better? Until the bolt is replaced, do you think it's better to hook the bolt-hole or bring a stick? Or can non-giants really top-step past it? I was thinking of doing this route during the Smiffay rope up and will bring a bolt (Rawl 5 piece) with me if it hasn't been replaced by then.
  22. Let me just run my last post through the old ALPINE HARDMAN TRANSLATER: After my third or fourth climb in The Valley, I learned to cruise off-widths. They now succumb to my skill and raw power, just like all other cracks. I don't see what all the fuss is about. Those sporto-girly men and weekend warrior chuffers may not be able to limp-wrist their way up a 5" crack to save their lives, but we can hardly call them "climbers" can we? As for bivy gear at Colchuck lake, who needs it? And sleeping bags? PLEASE! I just wore shorts and gutted a few marmots as I strolled up the trail to the lake to fashion myself a snaffle-anorak for the climb. It didn't take very long to make and I had plenty of time since the whole trip only took me 8hrs car-to-car.
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