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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. If anyone in the Seattle area has one they would like to sell, please let me know. Send me a private message (preferred) or email: Alpinfox At Yahooooooo Period Com
  2. Yes, I'm trying very hard. Next thing you know I'll be putting up 5.10x routes and airing my sexual frustrations on a climbing chat board.
  3. Ah yes... lack of wife/chillens = license to be reckless. I better while I'm still a free man. I was chided this weekend for not putting in any pro on a 5.0 pitch. So it begins...
  4. A lot of my climbing trips are organized in the following manner: RING!!! "Yo?" "Dude, lets go climb the west ridge of stuart!" "OK, I'll be at your place in 30 minutes" "Check" "Bye" So if I had to write up a detailed summary of route/times/contingency plans etc. for every climb, it would really cut into my productivity, not to mention my beer drinking time.
  5. You got some big feet... or at least a big left foot. Identify this shoe (size and model) and it's yours. Send me a PM (preferred) or an email: Alpinfox AT Yahooooooooooo Dot Com
  6. Ben says, "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. "
  7. Ducks are funny. And an "all-purpose" duck? Well that's just comedic genius.
  8. "Fred said 'No'" an Alpinfox/MisterE original route with thanks to DavidW for the name.
  9. Best place I've been this season was the approach to North Twin Sister. That was huckleberry heaven, but that was about 3 weeks ago. Can anyone here explain how to tell the difference between blue huckleberry, red huckleberry, and cascade blueberry? I've heard/seen different explanations. If you want blackberries, can't beat the local Seattle parks: Discovery, Magnuson, Seward, greenlake, burke-gilman etc. p.s. And why is it I see wild strawberry PLANTS everywhere, but NEVER see an actual STRAWBERRY?!??! Do the get them all when they are small/green?
  10. untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle OH SHIT!!! I FOUND A KNOT!!!! untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle OH SHIT!!! I FOUND A KNOT!!!! untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle OH SHIT!!! I FOUND A KNOT!!!! untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle untangle
  11. Are you nizzutz? They been ripe fer da pickin fer weeks.
  12. 21198posts/1305 days = 4.5121 X 10^-3 Hz Fortunately for all of us, this is well below the threshold for human hearing. Stay tuned for the next transmission!
  13. I agree with Greg. Since the publication of "Silent Spring" scientists have become increasingly aware of the negative impacts of technology upon the environment and have chosen to study environmental science/fisheries/forestry/etc with the goal of making positive changes from within the establishment. This is a good thing. I believe that the vast majority of these scientists are ethical and perform objective science, but the subjects they choose to study are directed by their philosophical bent. So, to rephrase Greg's quote: " Global warming, deforestation, pollution, ozone depletion, loss of species diversity, depletion of natural resources, loss of habitat, etc are happening. What you do with the information is up to you - believe, don't believe; It doesn't matter to me [actually it does matter to me], nor does it negate the fact that it's happening.
  14. The president proposes legislation and budgets that are passed into law by congress; thereby "making" law and budgets. Semantics. duh. The president also appoints people to run agencies like the EPA and FDA. The people that the Bush administration has appointed to lots of those posts are former lobbyists FOR THE INDUSTRIES THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO REGULATE. This is giving the fox the keys to the chicken coop. I'll loan the book to you when I'm done Greg. SHOW ME THE MONEY! Sources of Bush's campaign contributions and the benefits those c¾ðOibutors recieved
  15. I'm really looking forward to reading this. From Amazon.com: Editorial Reviews Book Description In this powerful and far-reaching indictment of George W. Bush's White House, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the country's most prominent environmental attorney, charges that this administration has taken corporate cronyism to such unprecedented heights that it now threatens our health, our national security, and democracy as we know it. In a headlong pursuit of private profit and personal power, Kennedy writes, George Bush and his administration have eviscerated the laws that have protected our nation's air,water, public lands, and wildlife for the past thirty years, enriching the president's political contributors whilelowering the quality of life for the rest of us. Kennedy lifts the veil on how the administration has orchestrated these rollbacks almost entirely outside of public scrutiny -- and in tandem with the very industries that our laws are meant to regulate, the country's most notorious polluters. He writes of how it has deceived the public by manipulating and suppressing scientific data, intimidated enforcement officials and other civil servants, and masked its agenda with Orwellian doublespeak. He reports on how the White House doles out lavish subsidies and tax breaks to the energy barons while excusing industry from providing adequate security at the more than 15,000 chemical and nuclear facilities that are prime targets for terrorist attacks. Kennedy reveals an administration whose policies have "squandered our Treasury, entangled us in foreign wars, diminished our international prestige, made us a target for terrorist attacks, and increased our reliance on petty Middle Eastern dictators who despise democracy and are hated by their own people." Crimes Against Nature is ultimately about the corrosive effect of corporate corruption on our core American values -- free-market capitalism and democracy. It is about an administration, the author argues, that has sacrificed respect for the law, public health, scientific integrity, and long-term economic vitality on the altar of corporate greed. It is a book for both Democrats and Republicans, people like the traditionally conservative farmers and fishermen Kennedy represents in lawsuits against polluters. "Without exception," he writes, "these people see the current administration as the greatest threat not just to their livelihoods but to their values, their sense of community, and their idea of what it means to be American."
  16. Sort of true. Cold air is denser (more moles of gas/volume), but it is still 21% oxygen. Seasonal changes in average barometric pressure are pretty much insignificant and are overshadowed by more acute weather patterns. Table of monthly barometric pressure averages for various places in Oregon Basic info on barometric pressure with a cool global map of average barometric pressures by month *check out how much the pressure over antarctica changes with season!
  17. [sarcasm] Yes, obstructing traffic for a political motive is wrong and ineffective[/sarcasm] Might be time for some of ya'll to read "civil disobedience".
  18. You want a testicle? I can get you a testicle, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. Hell, I can get you a testicle by 3 o'clock this afternoon.
  19. I might be interested in the bivy kit. Can you post pictures?
  20. And it will be REALLY cool when all portable phones are SATELITE phones. I probably still won't get one though... Luddites Unite!!
  21. Oh really CBS? Which parts of the world are those?
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