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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. RESIZE YER DANG FOTOS DRU! I think it's obvious that this differential dissapearance of ice is dru to canadians sneaking across the border on their marijuana trails and stealing our glaciers.
  2. Gimli: Hardcore Porn : Arrigetch: Beta Beta Beta
  3. At the brownstone wall were Ken4ord, IceIceBaby, WillStrickland, RocksAnyone, Brett (don't know his online name?), two cute girls that I WISH were cc.comers, and two guys who may or may not have been cc.comers. RuMR stopped by briefly; he was over at WWI wall. I don't know who was over there. I took some pictures, but don't know if I have any good ones yet. We climbed until dark and then some. Some of the newer routes on the brownstone are pretty good. There is really nice mid-10, edgy, bouldery, face route about 75m to the right of the righthand edge of brownstone. Anybody know what that route is? It's my favorite route in the area now. edit: AHA! just did some research... I think it is "Goddess (10b)". Nevermind. None of the pictures I took are worth posting.
  4. East ridge of Eldo is kinda wierd because you can scramble up the 3rd/4th class rock on the ridge proper (just south of the "east ridge" snow route) and get to the top much faster. It makes the snow route seem kind of contrived. Summit ridge sure is cool though. With this crappy weather forecast and a freezing level of 6000', you will probably want to reconsider your plans.
  5. to those of you who didn't show up - A good time was had by most.
  6. Hey you badass! You gotta ropegun me up that thing sometime!
  7. GGK, I agree that the search function on this website isn't that great, but here is how to get it to work. If you type "+Back +Beyond +Buttress" into the search window and select "main posts only" you will get good results. You can narrow your search even further by selecting "British Columbia" forum and specifying a date range, but it isn't necessary. Using the "+" before each word requires that ALL THREE of those words must be in the post. If you don't have the "+" there, then all posts with ANY of those words in them will be found.
  8. If Mr.Strickland gets his shoe shopping done in time, I'd like to leave from the Ravenna/Udistrict area around 3-4 to beat traffic and GET MY PUMP ON. Any of you hosers wanna carpool , lemme know. Post-climb at Issaquah Brew House? Issaquah Brew House 35 Sunset Way Issaquah, WA 98027 425-557-1911 Sound good?
  9. Just take some and stare at the pretty clouds.... Puffy little clouds.... Clouds....
  10. Here is a picture from my recent onsight of "Realization (15a)"
  11. There is a 10- pitch on the first half and a solid 10 pitch on the upper half. All other pitches are < or = 5.9 More trip reports: Number One (including my TR) Number B
  12. Are you gimped Minx? What happened? I haven't sprot climbed in a coon's age. Lookin' forward to seein' you monkeys. Young people (justin/cracked) have to bring extra beer to share.
  13. Hey TUIB, Fossil rock isn't that great, but I found a few enjoyable climbs there. Battle of the Bulge was pretty cool and there were a couple of good routes to the right of that. I've only been there once. I used the "Rock Climbing Washington" description to find it and didn't have too much trouble. Bikes (with low gears) would be a good idea. The clear-cut and bolted-on-hold ambiance kind of turned me off to the area, but if you live in the general area, it might be worth another trip.
  14. Hey RUMR, I'll set up a top rope on Reptiles and Amphetamines for you. It'll be a little pumpy for a newbie, but I bet you can hack it. Maybe one of you sprot-climbin' muscle monkeys will set up some TRs on some 11+ type stuff for me? I still think Index would be better: short approach for easy beer carrying, opportunity for newbie sportos to try some REAL climbing , and... in the words of Mr. Szyjazipperheadowski, "IT'S INDEX!!!" Fair traffic would suck though.
  15. That guy is really creepy looking. Merv, were you purusing gay blogs when you came across this?
  16. Alpinfox


    "With God On Our Side" Oh my name it is nothin' My age it means less The country I come from Is called the Midwest I's taught and brought up there The laws to abide And that land that I live in Has God on its side. Oh the history books tell it They tell it so well The cavalries charged The Indians fell The cavalries charged The Indians died Oh the country was young With God on its side. Oh the Spanish-American War had its day And the Civil War too Was soon laid away And the names of the heroes I's made to memorize With guns in their hands And God on their side. Oh the First World War, boys It closed out its fate The reason for fighting I never got straight But I learned to accept it Accept it with pride For you don't count the dead When God's on your side. When the Second World War Came to an end We forgave the Germans And we were friends Though they murdered six million In the ovens they fried The Germans now too Have God on their side. I've learned to hate Russians All through my whole life If another war starts It's them we must fight To hate them and fear them To run and to hide And accept it all bravely With God on my side. But now we got weapons Of the chemical dust If fire them we're forced to Then fire them we must One push of the button And a shot the world wide And you never ask questions When God's on your side. In a many dark hour I've been thinkin' about this That Jesus Christ Was betrayed by a kiss But I can't think for you You'll have to decide Whether Judas Iscariot Had God on his side. So now as I'm leavin' I'm weary as Hell The confusion I'm feelin' Ain't no tongue can tell The words fill my head And fall to the floor If God's on our side He'll stop the next war. -Dylan
  17. I always say "Vantage". Only "MotherFin' 206'ers call it 'Frenchman's Coulee'".
  18. My vote is the south face of Prusik. Justin can carry the keg, I'll carry the cups.
  19. Friday: Morning conference of would be Slesse-seigers decided weather forecast was not good enough. We went caving instead. Saturday: Watched Olympics. Drove to Ingalls Lake Trailhead in late evening. Sunday: Climbed west ridge of Stuart with AlpineDave. Check his website in a couple of days for the TR and details on our new speed record . Saw cascadeclimber and Pandora in the parking lot.
  20. Cheney didn't remove Saddam from power, 1000 dead American soldiers and their comrades did that. Cheney sat behind a desk and made billions of dollars for his friends at Halliburton.
  21. Alpinfox


    Congrats Ferrrrrrrrrrrn! Oh.... and "WOOOT!"
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