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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Obviously photoshopped. There are no ripples. You know I'm kidding right? Great pics and TR.
  2. I second that recommendation for Washington Pass and Darrington.
  3. Bug

    I GOT....

    Oops.... Congratulations!
  4. Bug

    I GOT....

    Nice fairy shirt. Hot wife. Does she know about your addiction here yet?
  5. We need more pics of Colchuck lake. But be more imaginative. Get a fish surfacing or something.
  6. There are problems with 8mm ropes (glacier floss) but if you are aware, they are not big. Prussicks require an extra wrap or two and a small diameter prussick (6mm) which freaks a lot of people out. I use a short prussick and clip on a longer, stronger sling. Mechanical ascenders are usually built for larger diameter ropes and will not work on 8mm. Barely work on 9mm. Rappell devices are the same as ascenders. You can get them for 9mm which helps. You can use a caribiner brake bar system or even the Munter. You may have to wrap the rope around your waist or leg for extra friction, especially if the rope is wet. Keep the rope dry. The only way to do this is to buy a dry treated rope and retire it when it gets worn or "un-dry". Not having a coil at each end is chancy. Yes, most crevasse falls are barely past the lip if at all. Then you don't need a coil. If someone does go deep and is hanging in space and has cut a deep rope groove into the ice bridge, what are you going to do? Sit there till someone with a coil comes along? Probably. For those of you who do not carry a coil, please tell us what your plan is. I am not being a smartass. Just asking Personally, I have never had this happen. But I know that the second I count on that, I'll get a dose of Murphy's where it feels the most intrusive. I leave you with that thought.
  7. I hate it when spray turns into a test of each others' spell and grammar checkers. I'm going to go fondle my gear for awhile.
  8. Bug

    Health care

    "Make the first insemination count". Seems like thread drift could do a lot with that one.
  9. Bug


    If your balls have turned black you really are old.
  10. Obama inc is propping up a house of cards with a house of cards. Presumably (hope springs eternal) to then dismantle it from the top down rather than let it crumble completely. There really wasn't another practical choice once the collapse started. Even Bush saw that. But relax. It probably will not work because it depends on global stability.
  11. Oui. Bring on the phoenix.
  12. Bug


    Well put bitch.
  13. pbr kegstands and chainsmoking? Nope. Chasing down flighty coeds.
  14. I am anxiously waiting...... Will definately buy a copy when available. I still use your climbing training guide you posted on line here.
  15. Hah, it's 20 years too late for me to quit school, although I suppose I could get laid off any day now. 20? Whippersnaper. You have a point, although I kicked myself after spending a few trips looking more through the lens of a camera than at what was actually happening around me at the time, or spending the time I should have been staring at some wild creature in awe fumbling to get my camera out. But definitely some pics are nice. Maybe after I replace my rock shoes and the slings that have been left on alpine peaks or stolen by partners. Get a digi and keep it in a pocket or easily accessible pouch. The The screen helps you visualize the frame quicker and more easily so you can get back to those intimate moments with nature. thanks. Don't get layed off. It sucks.
  16. I'm buying all my ice gear at Ace from now on.
  17. His are inspiring because they include pics. Quit school for a quarter and buy a camera. I kick myself HARD every time I think back to all the climbing I did in the Bitterroots without a camera. Good tr though. Thanks.
  18. She accidentally called me on her cell last night and I overheard her talking to her friends. Besides being a dung beatle I invade my daughter's privacy whenever possible and listened in. She talked about a boy. "Did he say he likes you?" was a q from a friend. "Well sort of.." she replied. "Squeeeeeeeel!! He likes you!" She quickly changed the subject. "I climbed Rainier last weekend." "You WHAT!?" "I was on the summit Mt Rainier yesterday with my dad." Priceless.
  19. Olivia (13) and I did the DC route last weekend. It was in excellent shape. We arrived in Paradise in a late afternoon downpour but it let up. We made it to Muir right at dark. Moved to Ingraham flats the next day. And started up at midnight. We summitted on father's day and hiked out. Olivia said it was boring. Not surprising since we hiked up in fog and climbed in the dark. She was glad she did it but also glad she doesn't have to do it again. "Well maybe if Meredith wants to in a couple years......" The first thing she did when we got to the car was plug in her cell phone. Cheers.
  20. No. Our military does that for us. It's great to be so insulated from our actions.
  21. No but a few chipmonks did it in tandem.
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