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Everything posted by Bug

  1. For the record, its no fun spraying you when you expect it. Fun-sucker. I wear a helmet and always make my girls wear helmets so that the unforseen does not take its toll but also just so the girls will be used to wearing them all the time. Top roping Barney's Rubble with no one else around was one exception. But I do not want to wear the things all the time. Argue all you want about the unforseen but that can happen anywhere, anytime. Just like Sobo said, "think".
  2. Bug

    Glacier Travel

    Cool. Sounds like a great view.
  3. Thanks for the tip. Maybe people will golf with me now.
  4. His story is bullshit. Think it through. Who buys three belay devices because they "are thinking of getting back into climbing"? Punch first, ask questions later.
  5. My friend was drinking and driving a snowmobile with a helmet on. He died. Lesson learned.
  6. What about personal lubricants? What are the rules on that?
  7. I wear mine in my cubicle cause there could be an earthquake any minute. We all know who gets the last laugh.
  8. http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/spo/1213648852.html
  9. Bug

    Gettin' All Jesusy

    Was it puckering?
  10. One time on mountainbike ride down in Moab we stopped at the edge of a cliff and threw some rocks off and they came zinging right back up at us!!! It was either angry Anasazi spirits or the wind. My story is true. Yours is patently false and designed to incite apathy.
  11. I cant tell if you said that with a straight face? Actually, I think she's bi.
  12. Bug

    Gettin' All Jesusy

    It would be interesting to put all of his emails and blog posts and everything else that was exchanged over his web site and run an analysis on the use of key words like God, abortion, sin, hate, etc. Gee. Do you think it's already been done?
  13. You can if you have enough other clothes along. Full pants, and pile tops, hat etc. You might get a bad year and wish you had a warmer bag or you might do fine. Just consider, do you sleep warm in general? Do you have room in your bag for the extra bulk of your extra clothes or are you just compressing the loft from the inside? What is your fallback? Do you have two partners to sleep between? I used a 0 degree bag on Denali but had really good weather (first week in June). The few times it dipped below -30 I was warm enough with my down jacket pinned to my bag. I tend to sleep quite warm and wear few jackets etc in general.
  14. I've never understood why a woman would tatoo her ass with a scripture passage. I mean, is that s'posed to be for my reading enjoyment while I'm doing something with her that I probably shouldn't be doing??? Jus' sayin'... What if it's your wife? Just askin......
  15. OK. If we are going to stay on topic, all the major news agencies have turned into ass kissing puppets. Some kiss the right. Some kiss the left. All of them are entertainment oriented as apposed to news oriented. The days of Marrow and Cronkite are long gone. Now it is Murdock and Turner. Bleck!
  16. U r both wrong. Well, sort of. I have a 40 degree bag I use for summer. If I need more warmth I add a bivy bag or wear clothes or just take heavier bag like Matt. For Denali, you will want the warmer bag you bought. Take safety pins and pin your down coat on the top for added warmth. Keep the other bag in case you end up with a woman like my wife. She is from Florida and likes my -10 down bag any time we sleep above 3000. Nice score on the bags.
  17. In Montana there is a valley called "The Big Hole". There is now a little town there called "Big Hole." They have a church that they have appropriately named "The Church of The Big Hole". I did not check on what denomination it was as the people milling about seemed to be farmers and rednecks in general. Nice folk prol'y. But holin strong beleifs.
  18. We actually did worse than that. The jug was filled with untreated water from Blodgett creek. You could see the colonies of giardia searching for an intestine to invade. Somebody forgot the iodine tablets. So in truth, the falling rock saved our lives.
  19. Yeah. It was definately about what dad wanted. But they were glad they did it. From now on, they can make their own choices. (yeah right)
  20. It gets this way every time a democrat is in the Whitehouse.
  21. The older one is going with me on the 19-22. The younger one wants to wait a couple years. I have a brother and nephew coming too.
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