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Everything posted by Bug

  1. My first time in the valley was in 78. I was 19 and hitched from Tacoma. I was picked up in a hippie van in Modesto about dark and we drove into the park unscathed (no pay). I had no idea where to go and got out with my 80lb pack and plenty of controlled substances on board. I was almost unable to walk. I made it to a dark grotto and sacked out under a bush. When I woke up, the dark grotto was between two ranger residences and I was under a lilac bush. It was about 5AM so I just packed up and moved on. My dealings with the rangers were always good. They have to manage a hell of a lot of people over the summer to prevent unrepairable damage to a very small area. Rules suck but you know what would happen to that valley if they weren't strict.
  2. Bug

    You suck

    Obviously depletion oriented.
  3. What's the big deal? At least he wasn't getting a blow job.
  4. "However, some scientists have questioned the tangible successes of M-theory given its current incompleteness, and limited predictive power, even after so many years of intense research." "LQG" ?! That's just loopy.
  5. Carry a sixpack through camp and they will find you.
  6. Its not Sundays that count. Keep on clicking that shutter and tell me there is nothing there but atoms and particles. Or are you into string theory?
  7. Ha! Born again? Your labels are as tired as your superiority complex. We will feast on your rotting flesh. Humble thyself before the mighty Dung Beetle.
  8. God created it on the spot. Dumbass. Get a clue. But Jesus still loves you.
  9. The key is proactive use. Much more effective that way. If you cannot get it that quickly, some people find that Ginka biloba works. Again, proactive use is most effective.
  10. Bug

    Weekend TR

    I don't throw my kids into any program that comes along without looking behind the curtain a little bit. Too many flying monkeys out there.
  11. That is amazing. Did anybody smoke some?
  12. This is the Rainier Climbing Blog: http://mountrainierconditions.blogspot.com/2009/05/disappointment-cleaver-2009.html Forecasts: http://www.atmos.washington.edu/data/rainier_report.html http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=46.849860689868386&lon=-121.73538208007812&site=sew&smap=1&marine=0&unit=0&lg=en Marginal weather if you do not like clouds. But it doesn't look like really nasty weather either. No freezing rain above 9k or high winds.
  13. Bug

    Weekend TR

    Can you post the particulars of getting into this organization? My youngest daughter might be interested.
  14. The most obvious route to the Tooth is up to Source Lake via the main trail. Follow the trail out into the opening where you can look across the basin and up the talus toward the Tooth. From there you have a few choices all of which have pros and cons but are approximately the same. Drop to the lake and across foloow the trail part way around the basin, split the difference. At least this way you get to look at what you are about to do. Have fun!
  15. Just putting Kev back up on top of Porter where he belongs.
  16. An that's what I thought before I drank all that whiskey too.
  17. Bug

    Amanda Knox

    Look her up when she gets out. She won't be any older than you are now. That explains a lot.
  18. Well. We are not sheep.
  19. Bug

    You suck

    You must be smarter tonight. Run out of beer?
  20. Exactly. And you don't seem the least bit concerned. Certainly a lot less than the current condition where we are raked over the coals by the for-mega-profit insurance companies. And clout to reduce the cost of drugs for instance (like the VA)? Damm straight that would be a vast improvement. I vehemently disagree and believe history is on my side. Will the safety net be there for all under my single-payer scheme? Sure. But what will happen to the financial incentive for the pharmaceutical companies you're so fond of bashing? You mean the fiducial responsibility Do you really think they'll continue to advance their science at its current pace? I use this as an example, but it applies across the health care landscape. The system you envision will be purely political. That your bleeding heart can't bear the current paradigm wherein costs are redistributed matters not. That your pleas for liberty under a Bush government now support what is, potentially, the most intimate and personal government intrusion in to our lives--ever--is only mildly amusing. That lefties like yourself fall victim to the rule of unintended consequences time after time is truly sad given the high levels of worth you all seem so fond of assigning yourselves. I vehemently disagree and believe history is on my side. Will the safety net be there for all under your corporate scheme? No. But what will happen to the financial incentive for the pharmaceutical companies you're so fond of holding up as shining examples of capitalism? Fiducial responsibility trumps concern for human welfare every time. Left unchecked they'll continue to advance their marketing schemes at their current pace. I use this as an example, but it applies across the health care landscape. The system you envision will be purely political which in these times is synonymous with commercial. That your cold heart can't bear the new paradigm is mindboggling when costs under the current system are already picked up by the taxpayer and consumer. That your pleas for understanding under a Bush government now support what is, potentially, the most intimate and personal government intrusion in to our lives--ever--is only mildly amusing. That righties like yourself fall victim to the rule of unintended consequences time after time is truly sad given the high levels of worth you all seem so fond of assigning yourselves.
  21. My only machine is a weed whacker which mostly gets used on the cat when she jumps up on the counter. The old push mower gives my fat ass a good whippin every week.
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