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Everything posted by Bug

  1. With Isha Yoga I can erase all spray from my memory. Here, let me demonstrate,..... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMM! Who are you guys and why are you such assholes?
  2. The moon is not a hoax. I can show it to you. And if you don't believe in black holes I'll bend over and show you the biggest one in the universe. Just kidding. It was just sitting there, waiting.....
  3. We are all free to be rich. Just do it!
  4. Since this was (supposedly) done in the 60's, I always wondered if any of the astronauts did LSD while they were on the moon.
  5. You guys are worse than my daughters.
  6. I have been using bread bags since I was a larvae.
  7. pm'd My cash is not counterfit
  8. Part of China's success of late is due to the fact that many big capitalist companies are more aggressively outsourcing to cheaper labor. I wish them well but do not hold them up as a shining example of pure communism. Their success is directly linked to unbridled exploitation of resources and acceptance of capitalist influence. They would be much further ahead if they allowed a more open format for business and education. The old guard cannot die off too soon imo.
  9. Muff Darling, I have always admired you from afar. Please do yourself a favor and try a macrobiotic diet if you have not already. Also try true Yoga. It is not a religion or a magical transformation. It is thousands of years of distilled wisdom on how to allow the body to exist in its most perfect state. All my best to you.
  10. No problem, Frik the Dick. I posted my stupidity to illustrate what can happen all too quickly. It was not really a response to your post as much as an attempt to give Josh a few extra moments of reflection. Actually, I have not ever rapped off a chimney. But then, my parents' house was built in 1907. Truely sorry about your Dad. It is sobering to think about it for the sake of my own two children.
  11. "Anger must be a very beautiful thing, because a lot of people have taken to it, like Coca-Cola. Probably more people are into anger than Coca-Cola, isn't it? So it must be a really great thing that so many people have chosen it. But they have not chosen; they have helplessly fallen into it, that's the problem. They have fallen into it or in a way they have chosen it unconsciously because the most intense moments in their lives is either pain or anger. These are the only two intensities that they know and every human being always longs for intensity. So today watching such sports has become such a big thing, because you could never watch a battle like that before. You remember the film 'The Gladiators', these gladiators - it is still a sport, a wild sport; war was a sport. Because it is not the violence, it is not the blood, it is not the killing that people like; people want to see something intense. Now, why are all these thrillers, action movies and sports events so popular? It is because people want some intensity, somewhere. They don't know how to be intense. Either through physical action, or through anger, or through pain - this is the only way they know how to be intense. The very reason why drugs and sex has become such a big thing is because they want to experience some intensity, at least for a few moments. It is the intensity which draws them. And as you know, I am always talking about intensity because that is the only thing that man is seeking, and that is the only thing that will liberate man from his present bondages. Anger has enormous intensity; it is an intensity which hurts you. It's an intensity which can get you into a lot of trouble. It's an intensity which can destroy the people around you and yourself, in so many ways. It's an intensity which gets you into absolutely stupid states of action. So your attachment to anger is not just anger, it's just that you like the intensity of it. Though you know it causes so much damage, here and there you want to get into anger. And people like the angry man. For example when you watch a movie if your hero - the Hollywood man - is a very calm and quiet you're not so interested in him. But, if he's an angry man, who stands up and does things in anger, not peacefully, you like him because he's got intensity about him. So you would like to do the same thing but you pay a very big price trying to be angry in the situations in which you live; because people around you are going to get even angrier with you, and they will get back at you. So don't worry about your anger. At least in anger you're becoming intense. It's time to transform this intensity into higher levels of intensity where it's very beautiful. At least somebody's able to get angry, I'm happy. I can't bear with the people, who eat eight meals a day and are lethargic, nothing happens within them; they don't even get angry. If anger is happening at least some life is cooking within you; life is still kicking, you know? " Sadhguru
  12. Yeah. I used to go there for a couple months to work every winter after a month in JT. Then I would go back to Montana for another quarter of school. The money was good but the climbing was not very accessible. Pinnacles was the only reasonable option imo. I left SF with enough time to stop in the valley for a week or two. It was a good life. Now I am in Redmond. It is still a good life. If I didn't work so damn much, I could climb all the time.
  13. Yes. Sorry about singling you out. I get your point and understand the frustration. It just seems like KB has a magic button for some of you. For every one of his posts there are four or five people who post a response. And off it goes. He must love the attention is all I'm sayin....
  14. Was this when you where rapping off you mom's chimney? Rope slip? Chimney fell apart? It was a 5.9 variation off the 5th or sixth pitch of Royal Arches Direct. It is a crack that keeps getting wider all the way up. Starts with hands and finishes with wide fists. I was half way up it when I placed my last big piece as high as it would go. I looked up and looked down. Down was about 25 feet. Up was about 35 feet where there was a fixed hex. It was obviously within my abilities but also an obvious grounder once I got up another 20 feet or so. I decided to go for it and made it up to the hex easily. I was "locked off" and reaching for a sling when I popped. I watched the trees on the valley floor grow rapidly. I remembered a story about a guy on a sailing ship that fell from the rigging. He went totally limp "like a sack of potatoes" and was unhurt. So I did the same. I bounced off the ledge and the rope caught me. It was a hard bounce. I laid down and treated myself for shock. I checked everything for damages. There were big bleeding srapes on each forearm and a fairly deep cut on my knee. Nothing requiring a doctor or even a band-aid. Just a lot of hydrogen peroxide. I focused on my back and neck. No pain. I focused on my internal organs. No pain. We pulled the rope and rapped off. The next day we went back and cleaned the three pieces I had left. Falling 60 ft gives you plenty of time to consider the wisdom of your actions leading up to the falling event. Double that and you would probably think enough to write a book on the frailty of life and the wisdom of seeking adrenaline rushes. Go forth and climb with determination and grit. Endure your limits. They will decrease with time and experience.
  15. Bug


    But pandas eat it. Kill all the pandas? Teach them to eat meat like REAL bears.
  16. OK. Thanks for the invitation and the recognition. I don't get either very often. It just seems like you guys who hate other posters so much would be much more effective if you just ignored them. Responding to every post is a compliment.
  17. Bug


    Actually, bamboo is the answer. It is the only land-based living thing that produces oxygen that can out-grow the human race pound for pound. And you can make rope out of it too.
  18. That's when one spayer dorks another and then they find out they are first cousins.
  19. That is what we are all hoping. I have had a number of good friends die in the mountains after years or decades of climbing. I took a 60 foot grounder at 19 yrs and knew I was dead. Pushed my limits knowing full well I was pushing my limits. Got VERY lucky and was unhurt. Felt very stupid on the way down though. Hope you never feel that stupid thing.
  20. How about that Black diamond harness failure a couple decades or so ago? Damn thing didn't run itself back through. Beligerence? How about that harness failure in Yosemite spring 08? Damn thing let itself get worn out. Shortsighted? The world is so full of failures. Who can I trust?
  21. I take 5 or 10 meters of coil off each end for rope stretch/z set-up and then equalize lengths between climbers. There was a post here a couple years ago about a giant bridge collapse on Rainier. Two people went in.
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