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Everything posted by Bug

  1. I take mine climbing. They have a healthy respect for heights. We did the R&D yesterday. The 13 yr old will probably never do that again. The 11 yr old was cruisin it. I got to get outside and play on a rock.
  2. Cats are the purrfect punting size.
  3. My daughters were along mostly to see what they could win in the raffle at Rockfest. They did well. But Sunday was about climbing their second multi-pitch climb - the mighty R&D route. I had a 60 m rope and wanted to stay close anywy. So I tied into the middle and tied each of them to an end. That makes it an 8 pitch climb. They both got lots of practice removing gear. The 13 yr old belayed with gloves and a solid anchor for upward as well as downward yanks. I climbed to a belay ledge, placed a piece, clipped in, pulled the other rope up and clipped off my younger daughter, yelled 'off belay', pulled in the rope and put my older daughter on. That way, even if they accidentally unclipped, they would survive. All in all, they had a great time. The younger is anxious to do more. The older is OK with doing shorter climbs from now on. It was a fun day. :moondance:
  4. You weren't the same then. Don't be fooled by rocks. They are smart. A friend and I were working a project on a large formation in Blodgett when he dropped a rock. It was a hot day and we were getting baked on a southern exposure. We were parched and all our water was gone. The only water even reasonably close was in a one gallon jug about 40 feet from the base of the climb 600 ft below. The rock fell 100 ft and hit a ledge. That bounced it right. It fell another 200 ft and hit a corner. That bounced it left. It then hit a slab three or four times and finally hit the gallon jug dead center. "Water, water everywhere but nary a drop to drink...."
  5. Its probably grown in Canada.
  6. tryed it...I'll pass. Same same and after the 2 Germany's reunited they are already too powerful and controlling, and I like how Google rolls. Screw em. _________________________________________________________________ Thanks Rob!!!! LOL, damn I'm old and crotchety, I apologize for that. You're just worried that it is already smarter than you. And it provides links for its outrageous claims.
  7. Climbing can be dangerous. But that can be an attitude problem. Read 'Freedom of the Hills' or some other description of glacier travel. Get the gear and practive the techniques. Set up a z-pulley in your back yard. Set pickets on a snowfield. Walk up a snow field with your crampons. Practice self arresting (take your crampons off so you don't snap your ankles above the boot). Then go try an easy climb. Don't be emotionally attached to the summit. If it feels like you are in over your head, you probably are. Turn around. Enjoy.
  8. Or Index or LW. Or Squamish. Or City of Rocks..................
  9. Bug

    Glacier Travel

    Rope up early. Rope up often. Until you have been out a thousand times, you will not want to un rope. And then, you may still fall in a crevasse as so many famous adn not so famous climbers have. Have fun!
  10. Looks like the problem could be reduced by half simply by yelling "OFF BELAY!!!" I have also bee angrily discouraged from climbing a route that was obviously idle for a long time. Another guy walked up and straightened it out as I just proceeded to climb. But to say "don't judge the Mounties by one experience" is denying my basic humanity. I have as much right to bitch as they do to hog a route(s). Organizations of all kinds are judged by the experience of each judge. In retail the rule of thumb is "you can help a customer 10 times in a row with excellent service but screw up just once and they will deem your service as poor" Mounties should visit this idea as an intro to common decency/ climbing. Rats everywhere.
  11. I have the Canon ae720. 6X optical zoom and 8.2 megapixals. It takes better pics than I do. Video too. I put a 4gig SDA card in and I am good for a trip.
  12. It is true. A right wing fundamentalist Christian like this would have had a photo op with GW. Once again proving beyond a shadow of a doubt, Democrats bad, Republicans good. DOH!
  13. Bug


    Yeah. And call it "Spray".
  14. One nut short of a bushel.
  15. Bug

    trees and climbing?

    Argue with Wikipedia. "Alpine climate is the average weather (climate) for a region above the tree line. The climate becomes colder at high elevations—this characteristic is described by the lapse rate of air: air tends to get colder as it rises, since it expands. The dry adiabatic lapse rate is 10°C per km of elevation or altitude. Therefore, moving up 100 meters on a mountain is roughly equivalent to moving 80 kilometers (45 miles or 0.75° of latitude) towards the pole.[1] This relationship is only approximate, however, since local factors such as proximity to oceans can drastically modify the climate."
  16. It's well worth the hump up there.
  17. Bug

    trees and climbing?

    But if it is alpine, there are no trees. This makes pulling on wood in the alpine a mute point. So technically, it would have to be a tauntaun with sub-alpine tendencies. For the purposes of this discussion, sub-alpine piss fir would be the most likely and appropriate vegetable matter to "rock climb" on.
  18. Bug

    trees and climbing?

    Ask the donkey. He posts here all the time.
  19. This is a good time to go. Water will be easy to find. I took a big rack. TCU's through Camalots. A run of wires, a 1/2 and 1 tricam, slung stoppers through 7, and several full runners. The bottom half is a different character than the top. The advice is true. Be ready for anything.
  20. Bug

    trees and climbing?

    Well at least he climbed something. I shoveled shit all weekend. "yes dear" "next on my list dear" "yes dear. I'm sorry. that is your list" Actually my wife is nothing like that. We shoveled shit together.
  21. Bug

    trees and climbing?

    I have climbed some big trees in Oregon. Often 100' to get to the limbs. But alas, I aided them with spurs. As for the Royal Arched question, That was rhetorical. It was in on the first ascent and in until it plummeted. The whole discussion is subject to personal preference unless you are claiming chest beating privleges.
  22. The timing is perfect actually, this might effectively weed out the old guard hangers on and jumpstart a new era. Detroit has been pretending to not get it for long enough. If I can take a 14 mpg 1960 Ford , put a slightly larger engine, a manual transmission and and taller tires - All in my back yard - and get 27mpg, why the fk can't Detroit? It's bullshit. They deserve to go down. Stupidity should not be rewarded.
  23. Bug

    Good Day!

    I got on the rock at Marymoor. Whoop Whoop. Did ALL those pesky yard and house jobs. Pretty much free to climb for the rest of the weekends from here on.
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